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I did it.


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<p>Ok so I've stopped pussy footing around spending an unnecessary amount on cameras I don't REALLY need (EOS 600, Pentax P30, Lenses, Flashes, anything which catches my eye on eBay because I'm reckless), and bought myself a DSLR. Almost. And with this in mind I wonder if you folk can tell me anything about the Canon 350D kit I've just bought, for £200 brand new? Silver I realise is less popular, but I don't care so I wonder if there's anything else to know in advance before I return to Jessops and cough up the money.<br>

Cheers.<br />Elliot.<br>

And no, I can't really afford more for the 1000D etc., this was a naughty purchase!</p>

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<p>A great camera, excellent image quality up to ISO 400. In good light you won't see the difference between pictures taken with this one, and pictures taken with cameras that cost 1000's of $'s more.<br>

This one I took with a 350D -> http://www.photo.net/photo/7653447<br>

Now you need a good lens. I recommend the Tamron 28-75mm F/2.8, which used will cost you around £150.<br /> Have fun!</p>

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<p>Wow that photo's amazing! What lens were you using for that? It's brilliant!<br>

It's occurred to me I've lied through my teeth here by saying 350D when actually, I've purchased the 400D. Now I have to ask what people's opinions are on THAT!<br />As for lenses: I currently have the 50mm 1.8F and a Sigma 35-80 4/5.6F, plus the kit lens that's coming with it, which is the 18-55mm 3.5/5.6F.<br>

Sorry for being officially retarded.<br />Elliot.</p>

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<p>Well done on your purchase. A very good point made above, which I agree with, is that your new camera is likely far more capable than yourself at this stage. What I am saying is that so many people get hung up on needing to have the latest gear and blaming poor (kit) lenses for poor images. But put the kit lens on a 350D in the hands of a talented photographer, and you would be very surprised indeed. Enjoy it. My 350D still gets shots which sit very nicely next to those of my 5D.</p>
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