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Nikon Pricing in New Zealand


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<p>Stephen you have the right idea - although have you tried to get warranty service from Nikon Australia on any of the stuff you bought like that?<br>

I am not entirely sure I want a D3x (certainly not at $21,000 anyway!) but it is just really an illustration. For example, I have the Nikkor 200-400. The list cost here in NZ is the equivalent of US$6,500 and the same lens at Adorama is US$4,999 - yet the 300 2.8 is more or less the same as the US - but cheaper in Canada than both!</p>

<p>I would like to see consistency of net price and warranty - a customer in one location should be treated the same in another, not as a lesser being who is not deserving of the same pricing and warranty length.</p>

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<p>The D3X is advertised at Grays of Westminster at 5499 pounds, which is 5921 EUR, including VAT. I believe this to be the lowest price in Europe by a shop with a good reputation and it's not too different from the price at B&H. I think clearly the OP needs to buy it abroad, I don't see any sense paying so much extra for an item like this.</p>
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<p>Marcus: This is a business opportunity for you.<br>

Buy 100 Nikon D3X cameras from a U.S. company for $8,000 apiece. Set yourself up as a distributor. Pay the duty and taxes. Keep three bodies for yourself.<br>

Sell 85 of them in New Zealand via the Internet for the equivalent of $9,900 apiece, undercutting the existing importer by the equivalent of US $2,600 per body, and pocketing a total of about US $50,000 or so after reasonable expenses. Offer a one-year replacement warranty to your buyers. At the end of a year, you'll have had to ship a few bodies out as replacements, and you'll have some left to use as flowerpots or whatever.<br>

Piece of cake.<br>

(More seriously... in your shoes, I'd just buy two bodies from the USA and risk having to $hip them back to the USA if they needed $ervice... you're unlikely to encounter $4,500 per body in service costs, yes?)</p>

<p> </p>

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