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<p>I am one of the lucky people who won the last Patrick's "lottery"... Yes it's not the first time that Patrick does this generous offer. I want to thank him for his gift which allowed me to find a really good place to learn, to talk about photography and to share my images... Thank you again, Patrick and thanks Photo.net staff, as well: this place can only be better with people like you! I wish you a merry Christmas and all the best in the new year. Alberto.</p>
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<p>Patrick this is an awesome gesture!<br>

Josh its great photo.net is adding the extra 2!<br>

I found this site earlier this year while trying to learn about DSLR photography and I can say that I have learned a lot from many of the great posters here. I even had the courage to post some of my photos. I hope someday I will have the knowledge to answer some of the posts, and pass on what I have learned here.<br>

Patrick I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!<br>


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<p>If Patrick can generously pay for other memberships, well then I decided not to be so cheap and now I finally subscribed. Of the listservs and forums I have or do belong to, I like none better than Photo.net. The forum is excellent and a joy to read. I have been a photographer for 40 years but I have learned so much it is amazing. Switchng to digital this year, because of all that I have read on this forum, was a very easy transition. Well done by all!</p>
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<p>Merry Christmas, Patrick!</p>

<p>I'm not putting my name in for consideration; just wanted to say that this is a very thoughtful thing you are doing. I, too, subscribe with the thought that my dollars may help the site to stay alive and vital. The business side of the site and its ownership are understood, but subscriptions are a part of that business. I continue to encourage those who enjoy the site and feel they gain something useful by coming here to subscribe. There are lots of free sites out there, but Photo.net is the kind of place where you can expect valuable replies from a knowledgeable group.</p>

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<p>oops, nearly missed this one.</p>

<p>Robert, thank you (again!), you're really one of a kind. Barry, a heartfelt thanks to you as well. As long as people like you are around it can't be half bad out there.</p>

<p>But Patrick is right, as he already knew. (Thanks for remembering) The regular offer from Patrick and Josh upping it is one of the great things here. Anybody should visit Patrick's site. He does a lot of good stuff, and I certainly don't mean just photographically.How can one be a cynic when there are people like him around.</p>

<p>And for those who end up with one of the offered subscriptions, don't feel free but feel obliged to participate intensively on this site. While people like Patrick, Robert, Barry and Josh do a lot to make this site thrive they can't do it alone. Make use of the real benefit here and exchange with people from all over the world.</p>

<p>Lastly, I wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy, but above healthy, New Year.</p>

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<p>What a creative way to spread the love around. Karma will come back to you my friend! I wish I had the funds to do that, but that's what comes with being young and married! Home and family come first until I finish my Master's degree, then maybe I can think of myself just a little bit!</p>

<p>Thanks for the inspiration Patrick! Happy Holidays to all at photo.net!</p>


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<p>You are very generous (again), Patrick! I got my subscription last time when you got the ball rolling, and Steve Bingham wanted you to choose four more. On behalf of all those that will receive a subscription now and myself: THANK YOU and may you have very happy holidays.</p>
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<p>Bonjour Patrick de Montréal,</p>

<p>I love your lighting and tones in your portraiture. You are a very generous Québécois. I just renewed my subscription so am not in your draw, but your gest is impressive and great "cement" for the complicities of this fine photo group.</p>

<p>Good luck and Joyeux Noel! </p>

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<p>pick me ! pick me!</p>

<p>Oh wait, i cant be there myself?!..dam. Always the good thing for the other.....</p>


<p>To all of you, i appreciate all your words and comment, and it make me feel good : ) let me thanks you all for that friends, i cant wait to pick those 6 new members!</p>

<p>FWIW; its presently 7:30pm in Montreal, 2 feet of snow today (snow storm), -20C...life is good for the snow board community whoooooooo ooooohhh.</p>

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<p>Patrick, What an incredibly kind gesture. You are truly a community member in every sense of the word. Contributors like you really make photo.net the amazing resource that it is. I love this site. I have learned so much from being here. I was going to subscribe to photo.net in February instead of renewing my Flickr pro account but now it looks like the money is too tight to allow for any of those luxuries. I would like to be a member though. However, I'm not letting the money blues get me down. I still have time and creativity so I am trying to be as generous with those things as possible.</p>

<p>I want to wish all here a blessed holiday season full of joy, peace and love. :)</p>



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<p>Thank you for this post - I have been on here almost daily for the since August and joined tonight as a way to say Thank YOU to Photo.net for the service they provide. I have learned a lot and love this forum - thanks for the generous offer but most of all for reminding us that we all should be members of Photo.net</p>
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