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Canon AE-1 not working


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<p>Hello ppl!</p>

<p>Im having problems with my AE-1, but only when the temperature gets to zero celsius or below. Battery is new. It just wont take a picture..The red light is blinking and nothing else happens. Anyone have any idea why this happens? Thanks you!</p>

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<p>Cold temperature is an issue with A series Canons, but you shouldn't be having this much trouble at 0C. I suspect you have something else going on and it's time for a CLA. </p>

<p>I used to live in a cold city when I started out with Canon in 1979. I had an AT-1 and then AE-1s. (I destroyed several cameras in my youth.) They were usually good at 0C, and down to maybe -10C, but I tried to keep the camera body warm by keeping it in my coat, or at least sheltered. At -20 to -30C, it was time to stop shooting. It's horrible handholding a camera at those temperatures anyway, even with mitts on. </p>

<p>Incidentally, Canon made a device called an 'External Battery Pack A' which allowed you to run the camera off four AA cells in an external case in your shirt pocket, connected to the camera by a wire which ran outside your coat. It is an uncommon accessory. I thought of buying one in about 1980, but I never bothered.</p>

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<p>Thank you guys for quick answers. I think I'm gonna try the "keep battery warm" technique first...If that dont help Im gonna have to tare my AE-1 apart and lube it good. If that dont help..Ill make this one my summer canon and buy another for winter use :D</p>
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<p>Kim, if the A-Series cameras don´t like the cold and you have to buy another FD body, I seem to remember reading that the EF is good at sub-zero temperatures. It´s shutter speed priority like your AE-1 and here in Germany at least, priced at approx the same level as an A-1. Maybe another EF user can confirm it´s low temp capabilities. All the best, Andy</p>
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<p>I shoot Canon FD cameras down to -40 centigrade (it was -35 at Lake Louise this weekend). If you do plan to shoot low temp buy an F1N. I have had no problems with either of my two bodies (despite their 25 years and what the manual says). unfortunately the A series is very temperature sensitive. I have not had T90 problems at very low temperatures but I rarely use it at low temperatures. The EOS 1V works fine at these temperatures as well and have not risked MF cameras below -15 centigrade.</p>
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<p>I had my A1 CLA'd in July of this year and I had the same problem when I had it out in the cold and it only shot a few pics before it wouldn't work. I checked the battery on my tester and it was up were it should be. I Think the camera is just like me.(it HATES cold weather). Carry 2 batteres and keep one really close to keep it warm then exchange when it locks up. </p>
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<p>I have used my AE-1, bouncing around my neck, in temps around minus 20c, with no issues. Never put a battery in my pocket, or put the camera under my jacket. I only stop when I think the film may be cold enough to snap (when the winder gets feeling funny). My AE-1 was serviced and cleaned before I purchased it as well...................???</p>
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