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Exposure Blending Tutorial

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If you are interested in Exposure Blending and can't quite work out what to do then have a look at this article I

have published. I received a few PMs and emails from people on the forums regarding the technique I used when

browsing the 14-24 write up I did last week.


I thought it might be appropriate to readers on this forum in particular so I have published it today. You can

also download some test shots and do your own blend...


Let me know if you have enjoyed the article or found it useful. I really appreciate it.


David Clapp



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<p>An excellent article David. Very well written and presented. I will most definately give this a go, but please forgive me if I don't throw my set of expensive Lee Filters into the English Channel just yet. Can I presume that you would be happy for us to print this article out for ease of use?</p>
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<p>David, I have been using the same technique you describe as my main blending method. One difficulty I encounter is when I have sharp edges, like dark rocks against bright sky in your example. This method produces nice sky, but the rock edge is very dark, then transitions to bright some distance away. If there was a way to brighten the rock right up to the edge, that would then look natural. I know it's possible, as many photographers do it (especially Marc Adamus), but I don't know how to do it.</p>

<p>Thanks for the efforts.</p>

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