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POW 30-11-2008


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Holiday weeks are fun weeks with lots of family activities. Often they encompass pretty decent shooting

opportunities. This week was better than average as we had Thanksgiving dinner with friends.



We also visited the Museum of Glass in Tacoma, WA, but that deserves its own thread (see above).



First picture is the now obligatory commuting sunrise shot o’ the week (it’s getting more dismal here until

March, so this may be it).



<img src="http://www.smugmug.com/photos/427098282_LefgC-L.jpg"/><br/>

HappyMonday2, K20D, Pentax DA 35mm Limited Macro, 1/20 @ f6.7, ISO 400</a>




We spent Thanksgiving dinner with close friends in their new, partially finished home. The man is an architect

and spent the past three years designing and building a remarkable abode on 5 forested acres with a beach below.

What is most interesting is the building design and materials. He licensed a construction method from Canada that

uses rammed

earth exterior walls. Earth is mixed with some cement and is compacted into forms. When dried, you have exterior

and interior walls.



The finished look is very artful, organic, and a nice fit into the forested environment.

This shot also features a lovely and functional Finnish wood stove made from Finnish soapstone. One wood box load

dissipates enough heat for 24 hours. And you can bake bread on the top half oven.



The food and wine were good too.




<img src="http://www.smugmug.com/photos/427098176_QmScT-L.jpg"/><br/>

Rammed Earth and Stove, K20D, Tamron 17-50mm, @ 22mm 1/30 @ f4.5, ISO 400</a>





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Great shooting ! I mean it, my admiration goes to all pictures, here above.

<br> <br>

Three very different photo’s this week. None of them perfect, been walking around with a touch of the flu, which sort of disturbs concentration. <br> <br>

<img src="http://static.zoom.nl/C3C2688623FE4CA9C902AAD4B1BA9E30.jpg">


is it : 1) Irak or 2) Afghanistan or 3) the Netherlands

<br> <br>

<img src="http://static.zoom.nl/C86055704C3AA861AC03267517C25EF7.jpg"> <br>

A grumpy building-site- boss came running up to me, and asked me what the hell I was doing. Told him I was quickly making pictures before he could chase me off… He didn’t think that was funny. It being a Monday and all 

<br> <br>


<img src="http://static.zoom.nl/EFB0BB09A85A9C35C5A2D9862B62D3AF.jpg"> <br>

from a series about daily things. Not sharp enough, but I don’t get this late sun every day.

<br> <br>

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I finally came to the weekend in trying out my Pentax DA* 50-135 f/2.8. I have been discussing with

Justin about letting go either one of 31mm limited or the DA* zoom. Originally I thought of keeping all

primes and limited. Now I am not sure. The DA* zoom is the best that I have used. It is just as

amazing. Expensive it is. The 31mm and the DA* zoom are a great combination and I am rethinking of

what else to trim but not the two expensive lens. I shot all three in K20D and DA* zoom.


<p align="center"


My neighbor bunny named Daisy<br>

<img src="http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g192/hinioman/photo_net_pow/IMGP4561.jpg">



Shot in Monterey Bay of California in a golf course close to a Lighthouse in the background <br>

<img src="http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g192/hinioman/photo_net_pow/IMGP4847.jpg">



A dead seal<br>

<img src="http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g192/hinioman/photo_net_pow/IMGP4830.jpg">



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I did some table top photography of an artists small plaster models with the Pentax F-50mm macro and learned a lot


ligth and shadows. Looking out for a cheap and light zoom for my coming holidays in Costa Rica in January I tried the

Pentax F-80-

200mm zoom yesterday and while I'm quite surprised of the quality at 80mm-120mm, the photos at 200mm are quite

soft and

some even slighty out of focus as well. So the search will continue, next candidate is a Sigma 28-300mm hyperzoom


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Some excellent work here that I'll take some time to comment on later. This is a bit of a cheat on my part. They aren't exactly this past week's photos but ones I took recently that hadn't been looked at till this week. So I hope you don't mind this week's 'work'.


This one is an in camera multi exposure experiment. First frame was a normal exposure and the second was with an ND filter and a slow shutter speed to give the image something of a painting like look.


<a target='_blank' title='ImageShack - Image And Video Hosting' href='http://img296.imageshack.us/my.php?image=potw4jk6.jpg'><img src='http://img296.imageshack.us/img296/6839/potw4jk6.jpg' border='0'/></a>


This was shot 10 days later and usually winter shots have frozen water. Since we're not quite in the depths of winter yet, the water was still open.

<a target='_blank' title='ImageShack - Image And Video Hosting' href='http://img291.imageshack.us/my.php?image=potw3nd7.jpg'><img src='http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/5648/potw3nd7.jpg' border='0'/></a>

<p> Finally part of the walls of an old church.

<a target='_blank' title='ImageShack - Image And Video Hosting' href='http://img209.imageshack.us/my.php?image=potw2ar2.jpg'><img src='http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/3989/potw2ar2.jpg' border='0'/></a>

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Picked up a DA 21 Limited and had some fun.



<img src="http://www.beyondthematrix.com/pow-IMGP2985.jpg"/>


<b>K20D, DA 21 Limited</b>


<img src="http://www.beyondthematrix.com/pow-IMGP2979.jpg"/>


<b>K20D, DA 21 Limited</b>


<img src="http://www.beyondthematrix.com/pow-IMGP3091.jpg"/>


<b>K20D, DA 16-45/4 @ 45</b>



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The pow gets better and better every time!


John - Reptiles intrigue me-from a distance. I should say the reptiles with legs, as I don't care too much about

snakes. Nice shot.


Nick - Crazy hair reminds me of a science show I went to in the 7<sup>th</sup> grade. Or the "stick your fingers

in a light socket" bit!


Justin - Great shots, as usual.


Javier - I've never seen a wet deer, cute though.


Bob - Looks like its turning winter in your area.


Michael - Nice sunset.


Markus - That is some really great lighting on the sea gulls.


Kari - Welcome to the POW. Nice winter scene!


Well, all I have is a bunch of portrait stuff with a white background that's going on some other

pictures(overlaying). So, I'll dig something out of the HD from a few weeks ago and post it later.



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Alrighty then, I missed last week's POW cause I was off wandering around in the smoky mountains. I know Justin will never forgive me for

not posting because of a lame excuse like backpacking, but oh well ;).


first one's of yours truely, taken with my friend's D80. not to worry though: i got him back for shooting Nikon when it started snowing and

his camera was forced to retreat into his pack. win one for the K10D! ;)


<a href="http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v427/69/99/7002120/n7002120_39485778_7754.jpg"><img

src="http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v427/69/99/7002120/n7002120_39485778_7754.jpg" alt="" /></a><P>

at any rate, my real entry for POW is a quick-and-dirty panoramic, taken from Charlie's Bunyon on the AT, looking out over tennessee.<div>00ReV7-93593584.jpg.b949ffbe030d7782eae0c3397396a540.jpg</div>

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