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50D vs 5D MKII- 1st time dSLR buyer


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I'm curious about the 5D MKII vs the 50D- Is the 5D really worth $2000 more than the 50D? When you get to the

bones of it, I see the differences as:

- full frame vs cropped (for those who tend to shoot wide vs long)

- total MP of final file to allow greater enlargement (but how much actually? 2x?)

- iso range (is the 5D high iso performance that good to make it worthwhile, or the ability to shoot at 50 vs 100? Is it

less noisy than the 50D up to 3200, the the expandable 6400 and 12800? If better. are there on-line comparisons to

be found?)

- ability to shoot HD video (a gimmick, as far as I'm concerned)


Am I off-based with this comparison? I know it's the old 5D vs 20D arguement all over again but it seems that the 2

ends of the spectrum have come alot closer together now. I never considered buying a 5D because of its lack of

sensor cleaner (a big concern I had) but now the MKII seems to have everything I'd want in a DSLR. But... is it $2000

better than the 50D? I'm looking to potentially buy my first and last (for a looong time) DSLR.



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You are a 1st time sSLR buyer, yet you know about the (3-year) old 5D vs 20D argument. It looks like you've been holding out buying your first dSLR for at least 3 years. I suggest to hold out another month until the reviews are out.

The price difference between a 50D and a 5DII is not $2000. Not US dollars.

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You know the answer, the 5D MkII, barring terrible reviews, is worth the extra, if it is a camera you intend to keep for years then get the best you can. Both will be able to take very good pictures for years but there is a reason the 5 is priced so much higher, and to the thousands and thousands of people that do end up buying it they consider the money well spent. If it represents "everything I'd want in a DSLR." then get the camera, if you hate it the resale value will be very close to your purchase price anyway.


Take care, Scott.

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Dan- I'm in Canada, hence the $ difference. I've been in no rush to purchase a DSLR (and still won't be for a few months) but have been looking at the possiblity for quite some time, as you can see. Essentially I have been waiting for Canon to come out with a DSLR I'd be satisfied with, which it seems to have achieved in the 5D MKII, but the 50D just seems so close...... I'm pretty much a film shooter in 35mm, MF and LF and have been exploring that for the past few years and have been in no rush to "go digital". I've come to realize that for color "convenience" (ie 35mm size) photography, I'd be happier with the current DSLR technology vs what I've been getting scanning my slides.



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Tim, i'm in Canada, too. I moved from the old days of printing my own Velvia slides on Fuji Super Gloss to a 10D some years ago. Now i have the 5D MkII on order (never hesitated for a second between it and the 50D).

Given that you are coming from 35mm, MF and LF i have a hard time imagining you will pick the smaller format of the 50D over the 5DII. For more than one reason.

BTW, the price diff between the two cameras is "only" about CAD$1700.

Good luck with your choice.

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Another thought - while you wait for the SuperMegaCamera, why not pick up an XSi and get shooting? If it produces fine

image for you that would tell you that the 50D could be your camera... or that you could keep the XSi. (If you feel the need

to switch to 50D you could either keep the XSi as backup or sell it to recoup a good portion of your initial investment.)


If the XSi IQ doesn't cut if for you then the 50D won't either.

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Hi, here is OZ this morn the 50d is listed at a supplier at 1639aud the 5d2 preorder page has a note



25th November 2008


We have suspended taking orders for the 5D Mark II.

Anticipated supply uncertainty of the new 5D Mark II has prompted us to withdraw the camera from sale until stock is physically at


Digitalrev claim the 5d2 IN stock at 4900aud for immediate delivery ? But that is a huge difference in price. I bought the 5d as I feel its IQ still slightly better than 50d, But being spoilt by the 40d`s more mod LCD and bigger VF indicators and easier to se AF points, feel the 40d gets 1st choice unless a larger or more cropped image required. Problable wait if apprehensive and see how the 2 models compare. 40 to 50 did not seem muxh, could be the same 5dmk1 and mk2, if there is not much in it I`ll move back up to a `1` series :) The 5d was to replace my hassy gear



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Tim, the price of 5DII is 2700 USD and 50D is now about 1200USD, If you wait until after January when the dust has settled the 5DII will drop to something like 2500USD with rebates and such so the difference is 1300USD.

Is it better? depends to what you like to shoot, the finder is much larger and image quality will be better as well, however it's not a speedy camera. If you want to do sports or bird photography then 50D most likely suits you better. For general photography, lanscape etc. even the original 5D is better than 50D.

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Mark- you're right. I'm trying to justify spending that money..... We'll see how the reviewers like the MKII. Something that I question is the reduction in pixel size to that of the old 20Dish cameras. I thought bigger pixels were better, and am surprised they've done this to get the higher number in the MKII- obviously the trade-off was worth it....
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Sounds like you want a 50D, it kinda amazes me how many people new to digital SLRs are willing to drop 3k on a camera body, don't get me wrong I will probably be purchasing the new 5d when I can scrape the cash together, but I've been shooting a 20d for maybe 3.5 years or so when I bought it as a photo student, its not the camera its the glass, and the one shooting. Sorry if I sound bitter, I've seen to many posts similar to this.
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Tim, I've seen some of the videos shot with the 5D2 and I think we're starting to see a great merger of still and video

photography. If you don't usually make large prints get the 50D. If you do, then get the 5D2 for the image quality,

use great glass and technique and I think you'll fall in love with the "gimmick" video, too.

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Thomas- I'm curious, you appear to be suggesting this guy's shots are bad, yes? I think they look horrible personally and I hope they are more a reflection of the photographer than the camera....


Matthew- just because I haven't purchased a dSLR before doesn't mean I'm ignorant or new to them. I've been following their evolution for years and have used a number of them, as I alluded to in my original post, and have been simply waiting to buy one I was satisfied with features and performance- wise. The 5D line is never going to drop in its price point. My question was whether the x0D line is approaching the quality of the 5D, making the price discrepancy more a status symbol or a true reflection of performance as it has been historically.

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