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Anyone own a K2000 / Km yet?


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Agreed Andrew, for me also viewfinder is most important. My old 6mp DS2 clones are pentaprism but I must say this

pentaprism K20D viewfinder is much better. Specs identical, so pentax must have improved the focusing screen?


I'm so happy with K20D!


I may get a second one before the 3 year warranty expires on 12-31. Well actually a week before since you gotta

process the bonus 2 year bump. Then again canon's been dropping price on lenses some 10% or more. Lower prices

now than 3 years ago on several items. One I'd really like to add if it drops another $200, or a total of $700 in 45

days. And then I won't buy anything new from anybody for a year or more.


I say, if you don't have a K20D then get one before it falls off the system while the admission price is affordable &

you'll see ;^) K20D is very very cool.



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Andrew, you are quite right that while a lot of people want an LX-D, we'd never agree on what we'd be willing to give up :-)


I doubt Pentax are planning on releasing a niche camera such as the LX-D, so all this talk is just a bunch of guys and gals shooting the breeze at the local p-net bar.

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  • 3 weeks later...
<p>Hi Folks: After reading the comments of my colleagues, no one disscussed use of manual lense i.e. Pentax K and screw mount lenses with this gear although its name is Km which refleits possibility. Will appreciate comments on this side because have collection of few K/M and screw mount lenses. It is appreciable a 1o MP body have 4AA battery which is my weakness.</p>
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