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Newbie D700 owner looking for lense recommendations


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Thanks Dirk. I haven't used a prime before but it sounds like it should be something I take a serious look at. I

suppose I don't mind taking a couple steps forward/back :-).


I really just want a lens that I can use for daily use when traveling "light." When traveling, I hate having to stop

and switch lenses. Thats why I like a zoom lens that is flexible enough for landscapes and portraiture.


I suppose I just need to go in the store and really try it out.


Oh, and thanks Dave for your recommendation. I will take a look at that-- especially at that price. (I don't care

about vignetting... nothing lightroom can't fix)

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I have a 24-120 VR, some have said that this is not one of Nikon's best but the images I have taken with it are sharp and the colours are superb. It's is a great walk about lens at a bargain price. I also have a 60mm 2.8 micro another bargain lens from Nikon.
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If you don't yet own the 50/1.8, that's one of the best value lenses ever made.


For portraits, your 70-300 at 70mm should be pretty good already, it's a tad slow (4.5) but not that bad. Getting a full stop or two faster will be expensive.


For macro you'd probably want the 105, since the 60 in a full-frame may force you to get too close for the shots you want.

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