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D3 & D300 auto-bracketing steps greater than 1 EV


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Good time !


I don't know should I complain or not, but sometimes the philosophy of making new Nikon DSLR models is far from

being clear..


Why in the D3 and D300 does Nikon omit so simple feature as choosing the bracketing step

greater than 1 EV !?!

I could easily access +- 2EV of bracketing with my D50 using

always 3 frames for bracketing sequence. Now I cannot do same with my D300 unless to shot 5 or 7 frames, which I DONT

want to shoot, since it is silly then to delete an extra frames! And why should I intentionally shorten my D300

shutter's lifetime? It is almost twice even in case of 5 frames...


Nikon should provide some online feedback from the users in order to fix such an issues in the future

firmwares, because it is rather simple. I'm sure, my issue is just a question of a soft, but it appeared to be

in the shadow of nikon marketing..


If someone has similar considerations about the same or related issues, I propose to compose an official letter to

nikon where such a "wish list" could be presented.. Although, I cannot yet figure out where to send it, since


nikon" on the

site sends me to some local service center, but not to the "nikon philosophy department" which I actually need..


Any suggestions?



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Thank you for responses so far!


1. Who changed the name of the post without asking me? Absolutely unacceptable! How about democracy ?

Seems Nikon Co. pays to those guys (well MODERATORS), uh ?? How about to create moderators-on-moderators to

change back what they do? Then mods-on-mods-on-mods?...

(I thought before mods are serving to eliminate some bad words, rough behavior online, etc...)


2. Gerald, i cannot use "M" mode since I really need 6 fps speed to get these three frames as fast as possible.

They are for a HDR picture...

But even shooting 5 fames the total time will be near the time I spend with my D50 for 3 frames! So neither D3

nor D300 ARENT for HDR photography!


3. Any propositions? I mean propositions about how to contact Nikon ?


Thank you guys anyway for you response.



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Nick, I changed only the topic title because, frankly, your original title was nonsensical. I did the best I could to accurately reflect the actual content of your question.


Regarding complaints about Nikon features, why not contact Nikon directly? That would seem to be the most effective way for a customer to communicate. If that doesn't seem obvious, perhaps you're only interesting in venting your frustrations publicly where they will do the least good.


Photo.net is not a democracy. It is a privately owned website, joined by members who agree to abide by the very reasonable rules and guidelines rather than to demand that the entire site conform to every individual quirk.


Moderators are not paid by anyone. We are volunteers. We volunteer our time - a lot of time - to help maintain an atmosphere that is generally regarded as appealing to the majority of users.


If you prefer an unmoderated forum you are free to participate on usenet, which is closer to a democracy and a perfect example of why scholars and philosophers have sometimes called a democracy the vilest form of government. Unless you find something appealing in usenet, 4chan and other unmoderated or lightly moderated groups, where the vilest exhibitions of human behavior are celebrated, perhaps you could learn to adjust your behavior and expectations to photo.net rather than the other way around.


If you have further complaints or comments about moderation, please feel free to direct them to the site administrator.


For now, this discussion is closed. If you can find a way to rephrase your specific question more clearly in a way the pertains to the Nikon Forum, feel free to try again.

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