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New 21-35, Question to other owners.

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I just got a new 21-35 and R6.2 at a local Leica day promo.

I've noticed a slight roughness in the zoom ring operation in the

24 to 21 range compared to the rest of the zoom range. Anyone

else experiencing this? I haven't sent in the paper work yet and

will try to return the 21-35 if this is unique to my lens, or is

something that won't work itself out with use. Any

advice/experiences? Other than that, I do love this new lens.

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I expect this is most likely due inadequate greasing, or perhaps the grease has not been distributed evenly yet. Try giving it some good twisting for about 10-20 minutes. If that doesnt solve it, bring it back and insist that they give you another one. (most likely the dealer will fob you off saying that it because its a new lens and needs to broken in, What a load of BS!!)

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Not an answer to the question (unfortunately don't own the

lens...)Hope the issue is successfully resolved soon - I'd love to

see some sample shots/comments when it is...the pictures in

the leica magazine (of a boat etc) are not very helpful in

determining whether it's a good performer.

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I can also confirm that my copy is fine. I would not call the action smooth, as in no friction (like my 80-200/4.0), but there is slight resistence and a fraction of friction. There is also no anomoly between 21 and 24mm settings.
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