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Leicaflex Sl's loose shutter speed dial


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Since you're in Canada, you might ask Gerry Smith at Kindermann in Toronto to have a look at the camera. He's not cheap, but he does very good work on Leica M's with quick turn around.


I don't think you mentioned where you purchased this camera from, but it sounds like a prime candidate for a return or partial refund. Provided, of course, that you were promised an issue-free camera.

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Thanks, Andrew.

The first technician I saw was Gerry Smith and the latter the other repairman. I have used Gerry and he is very good but

not cheap and sometimes almost double price of others.

That's why I took another test shot and it came out pretty good and I just have to get used to it and practice more I guess

because maybe I'm soooo used to rangefinder M-system?

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Yes, it's the other way. If I focus an object from about 1m and further then it looks focused and the photo came out

focused, no problem here but objects in close distance that's what I can't get focus clear but it came out sharp.


I wish I could compare with the other SL side by side. Anyone want to meet me here in GTA (Toronto area)?

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Doug, as you know, there were minor dimension changes from SL to SL2, but I never tried a mirror box swap. That

could confirm a possible tolerance problem. Let's ask Don if he's ever attempted it.


As far as Jun's SL, if you have the mirror angle sufficiently askew, you will experience across the plane of the

screen, a focus shift. That is to say; the fence post image that Jun fired, even though the top-to-bottom is at the

same distance, in the viewfinder, the top vs.the bottom, would be off. (An illogical blur)


I still say that someone has improperly dealt with this SL before Jun received it. Re-stating that, maybe I’ve

misinterpreted Jun’s, "I can't get things in sharp focus" - description...

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Let me explain more clearly.


I tried to focus a bookcase full of books from about 8' and trying to focus. I turned the ring too close then everything has

a double shapes and blurs and If I turn the other way it blurs too, so somewhere in about the middle I should have a

sharp focus point where I should be able to read any title of the books but I can't. It still is not clear and can't read any

title. I just know that this point is less blur than other ways.

If I do the same thing with Nikon everything is clear and focused.


I wish I could compare it with other working SL, then it'll be clear whether this has a problem or not.

Anyone in Toronto area, please drop me an email. Thanks!

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