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Pentax 6x7 non mlu- Sharp images?


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Mirror lock up is only a problem on exposures around 1/4 to 1/30 sec with 1/15 sec usually thought to be the worst. The longer exposure (several seconds) will not be an issue at all as by that time, any vibration caused by the mirror slapping up against the housing will have been nulled by the exposure duration. Assuming of course that the physical position of the camera didn't alter during that period. As a matter of interest your Manfrotto tripod is certainly sturdy but NOT dead mechanically it tends to "ring" vibrate if you prefer and this could be exacerbated by non MLU cameras. The quality of the tripod and head is more likely to be the cause of any perceived softening of critical sharpness than vibration of mirror slap.
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In my tests with my P67 w MLU I found that most of the vibration from the mirror is after it closes back up. I used a very

sturdy bogen head and saw very little difference between shooting with the mirror locked up or not locked up. However if

your exposure is long and sharpness critical you could hold a black velvet covered card right in front of the lens when you

open it and let the vibes die down before moving the card out of the way. You might try laying your hand on top of the

camera (with no film in it) and open it in B and then let it go to see how much you feel the vibrations. With my heavy duty

bogen head I tried that and could not detect any vibration or movement when I opened the shutter and the mirror slapped up.

I could only feel it when I let the shutter close and the mirror come back down.

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What Ian said.


The mirror slap is really a big clunk on a 67. I always used lock up on mine. If I forgot, the shot was a tosser.

If you are doing any macro work I would recommend considering trading in for a body with lock up. They go cheap these days.

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  • 4 months later...
<p>Sorry, this thread maybe not actual, but I have made a test here: <a href="http://www.fotosidan.se/blogs/graal-blog/29511.htm">http://www.fotosidan.se/blogs/graal-blog/29511.htm</a><br /><br />In swedish, but you can se the pics. 1/8 sec 1:4. Upper pic MLU. Bottom without MLU. The cut correspond to a 1m wide print. <br /><br />I had problems with my Gitzo head and my old 2,5 kg Schiansky panorama head. They could not stop the vibrations from Pentax 67 shutter/mirror. Nor separately or combined. Then i tryed the Wista Pro Pan Head from the famous LF Camera producer in Japan. And my problems were solved. Wista Pro Pan Head weights only 1 kg and my homemade wood tripod apr. 2,5 kg. Tot. 3,5 kg is not much. The non MLU pic shows even a better sharpness? So what you need is a stable tripod and a head built with precision, not necessary heavy ones. I think that a non MLU Pentax 6x7 will not be a problem in that case.<br />Nils.</p>
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