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Graffiti Art Photo Shoot


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G'day all, I have found this graffiti art wall close to the city and I really want to do a model shoot with it,

portrait/fashion/glamour/street...any style really and I have found a model who is excited about it as much as i am.


I would like your opinions and suggestions on what I could do?


I use an Olympus E-510 with twin lense kit (14-42mm f3.5-5.6 Standard Wide Zoom & 40-150mm f4.0-5.6 Telephoto

Zoom).....in the future i am hoping to upgrade my portrait lense !


Unfortunately I am between off camera flashes and will have to make do with what I have, but if you look at the photo

link I used no flash in this shot.




Any advice is very welcome



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Since shooting models agaist graffiti is pretty cliche, you're going to need some beautiful lighting and composition to make it a unique shot. Maybe come back when the lighting is a little more dramatic, and bring a friend with a reflector to help fill in.


You may get a lot of strange bounce colors from the wall on to the model. This could look funky if the model is wearing something that will clash with it. A mostly black outfit will suck up the colors, a light outfit will enhance the bounce effect. Keeping the colors off the model's face will be a trick though.


If I were to shoot that, I'd put the model a fair distance from the wall and use your tele @ about 100-135 f4 to blur the wall as the background for the shot. That way you can get the colors from the wall, but be able to control the lighting on the model separately.

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I think you could do this in a number of ways, even if you don't have lots of strobes. I attached a shot I took at night with a model in front of a wall of graffiti and I lit it with just my car's headlights on high beam. This isn't my favorite shot from the set, but it shows you another way to consider approaching the shoot. Have fun!<div>00RXqB-90107584.thumb.jpg.ded578e628b61b26f4e043944eeb4d54.jpg</div>
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  • 4 weeks later...


The graffiti art wall I am shooting is professional graffiti art, the people who owned the building PAID the artisit to graffiti on the wall, its very impressive if you see it. <br>

They did one wall a few years back now and its never been vandalised even though its in a prominent place in Perth City. They are currently preparing another wall on the same building for more artwork.<br>

I hate with a passion vandalising graffiti, I actually report them to the police if I see it being done...<br>



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