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Is 2x3 sheet film still available?


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I believe that at least both Foma and Efke make b&w 23 film. Freestyle sells one of Efke and two of Foma under their house brand.


Just curious, why are you interested in 23 sheet film over 4x5? Why not shoot roll film to get the same size as 23 sheet film? I have a 23 enlarger, but I think that I would still rather shoot 4x5 sheet film and roll film, if I wanted 6x9s.



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To answer your question of Linhof's I would say, nothing! Exept the cameras made for different purpose.

The other Linhofs designed for studio/technical work and have more possibilities. Also they are more rigid and weights more. Not possible to use it with free hand. (monorail I ment)

All movements are similar to all view cameras.

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a very short answer to the second part of your question would be:


i would link the term linhof press camera to the linhof technika series. this is a compact clamshell-like construction that allows you to use lenses from 300mm (tele-designs even longer) right down to 72mm without any extra devices. extreme movements are limited due to the constrution. the other cameras based on the optical bench do offer a wider range of possibilities. so depending on the field in which you are interested you would have to make a decision whether you want a foldable, quick camera or one with a lot of movements. (yes bob, i know that other models are also easy to set up ;-))

check the linhof-website - linhof.de - for a glimpse on the model range and the explanations and details.

this is just a fast answer. there are so many different other aspects to consider before deciding.

for my purposes my super technika V is almost perfect. but in architecture it comes to certain limitations where a 679 or technikardan would be a better choice.


maybe you should try to contact hp marketing, bob salomon and try to get a brochure on the present model range.

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you are mixing up the technika press and the technika III standard press.

the press is an entirely different camera. the standard press was a "stripped" technika III with no back movements and limited front standard movements. it was introduced to compete with the graflex press cameras.


the technika press is a helical focussing camera and very compact.

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you are absolutely right. the press is a 2x3 model. and yes, it can be seen on the auction site right now.

since kenneth was mentioning being interested in a 2x3 camera, but bringing in the term "linhof 4x5 press cameras versus other models of the same brand." at the same time i thought he might be interested in the differences between the models as well as film sizes.

the linhof technika series, starting with the III and the present masters classic and 3000 are regarded as field cameras AFAIK, not press cameras.


i own a 4x5 standard press and converted it to a regular III/IV. but i agree i wouldn't have bought it if i had known about the backdraws then.


well, i think kenneth should now drop in and comment on our responses and guide us to answer his questions to his satisfaction ;-)

maybe i am absolutely off topic already ...

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i am really getting puzzled.

what camera are you actually looking at? can you upload a picture?

i have the impression names of linhof cameras are still not used correctly.


there are no linhof dropbed/field cameras 2x3 available new anymore. maybe some new old stock.

but linhof stopped manufacturing the linhof super technika V 2x3 a year or two ago. so you would not run into the danger of buying a new 2x3 linhof technika V. sometimes a used one pops up on the auction site.

the linhof press (2x3) was built until 1963. the 4x5 standard press (stripped technika III) was produced for a short while in the late 1940's. both cameras - although having similar names - have almost nothing in common.

i believe the only 2x3 cameras available new from linhof are the monorail m 679cs and the monorail technikardan 6x9.

just run through the new linhof.de-site.


my recommendation is to illustrate your prospective camera to us uploading an image so we all know what we are actually talking about and could probably comment on that.

maybe there are better alternatives to a linhof for your purpose (portraits) and budget?

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