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Canon EOS Utility and/or Zoombrowser problem

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I recently had my Window's XP crash and had to reinstall the OS, and reinstalled all my Canon programs. I use

Zoombrowser and EOS Utility to download my pictures from a card reader. Before the crash, my pictures would

automatically be downloaded into a separate, dated folder in “my pictures”. Now, when I download my pictures, I

no longer get separate folders. They all go into “my pictures” in one big file, no matter the date. I checked the

preferences in EOS Utility, and the box is checked to create a separate, dated folder in “my pictures”. So, what

happened? Why aren't I still getting separate folders created for my downloads? I thought the default settings

would do this, as I don't remember ever having changed them in the past. If I need to change some settings,

please tell me how to get my separate folders back. What's happening now is very inconvenient, to say the least.

All my Canon programs (Zoombrowser, EOS Utility and DPP) have been updated to the latest versions. Thanks for

your help.

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With the newest Zoombrowser you have to do an additional operation. When you initially download your images they will be in last acquired image work area.

After the download select all files then choose "View & Classify" then choose "classify into folder".

You can set preferences to move the files or you will end up with with two copies. One in the "Pictures" folder and one where you classified them to. With the move option, Zoombrowser will delete the files from the "pictures" folder after the move.

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