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Singapore Diaries


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Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and what works for one person may not work for another. If there were a set format for images (or people) then it would be a pretty boring world!


Maybe they work for me because I like the graphic elements in them or maybe because I've never been to Singapore? I just know I like them.

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Great work, specially the one with the lady's back in shadow but with the flower patterns visible on her back. The faces of the old men are hauntingly evocative. The images bring back memories, mostly happy, of the years I spent in Singapore. I also liked the off-level horizons, which some would consider poison, but you have then beautifully balanced.


Thanks and Cheers Lah

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Some nice shots combined with the post processing. I've spent some time in Singapore and really appreciate the different perspective. For me, Singapore is anything but black and white and gritty - I find it too clean and boring... But that is what is fun about photography - seeing how each of us deal differently with the same topic. Nice slide show. Cheers.
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