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Choice of lens for non-portrait general shots?

bob haight

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Bob: Do you intend this as a different question from the usual "if

you could only have one lens..." question? The fact that people use

a particular lens the most often probably doesn't mean (or doesn't

necessarily mean) that same lens would be the one and only lens they

would want to have on hand.

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If you have a 150mm lens I would suggest a 240mm if your next

requirement is a longer lens. I have a 150 and 210 and these are

closer in length than I would like. If I were starting over I would

perhaps get a 90,135,210 and 305. As it is I have a 90, 150, 210 and

305 and the 150 and 210 are too close while the 90 and 150 gap may be

a little big.





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Bob: In that case, what matters is whether you find yourself out in

the field with that 150, most often wishing you had something a

little wider or a little longer. I think something in the 110-120

range is a must, so for me that would be next, followed as soon as I

could afford it by a 210 or 240. A three lens combination of

120/150/210 or 110/150/210-240 is very, very versatile. And the 240

would be something small and light like a G Claron, not one of those

mounted in a Copal 3.

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I started off with a 210, went to a 90mm than a 240 and somewhere along

the line got a 135, an Imagon and the most recent (about 2 years ago)

got my 360mm. When I go out now a days, I mainly shoot with my 210 and

my 360 except for the perverbial wide landscape with my 90... Once you

shoot with a longer lens with 4x5 you'll get addicted, well, at least

that is what happened to me.

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The one that frames the scene best. At least 1 of each mentioned so

far. If you're asking from the perspective of a want-to-get-started

beginner, 210 is awfully useful for many things and generally allows

you to make every mistake possible with movements because of it's

generous image circle.

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