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repair service


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i am considering getting into medium format after many years of 35mm photography--primarily landscape. since

pentax no longer manufactures the 645 versions, how easy/difficult is it to find competent service for the cameras?


also how about availability of parts in the (unlikely) event that something breaks and/or fails and needs to be replaced.


i am torn between the mamiya and the pentax, and availability of repair service and parts is a concern since mamiya

is still manuafacturing 645 cameras. hence repair service and parts are more likely to be available.


i DON'T want to start a flame war on pentax vs mamiya. i just would like some recent information/experience.


many thanks for your responses



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I believe Pentax no longer service the original "645", but they still do service the "645N" and "645NII" - in the USA anyway. I know because I have sent in a couple of bodies recently. The service is excellent and relatively fast.


I have heard that the Pentax 645 line was the best selling - although this was from second or third hand sources (heard several times).

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