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8x10 Enlarger Building Question

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Heya, folks -




I'm in the process of butchering an ugly old 8x10 camera to make an enlarger. Unfortunately, the camera doesn't have a focusing track w/gears (really just a front & rear standard). Any thoughts on where I might find such an item, or thoughts on alternative designs?









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THe Noba cameras, which were once quite popular as a studio camera,

used a belt and pulleys for focusing. Worked quite well, and was

very fast. Are you building a verticle or horizontal enlarger? The

belt drive would probably work better in the horizontal

configuration. Good luck with the project.





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This may be off-topic, but may be something to think about.




My 8x10 enlarger is a Screen 18x22 vertical process (stat)

camera that I was GIVEN by a local newspaper just to get it out of

their way.




It's really like an upside-down enlarger with florescent (diffusion)

light source on bottom, hinged plate glass holder for negative,

two lenses allowing 25-400% repro options, flip-over

groundglass on one side and vacuum easel on other side for

focusing and placement of enlarging paper. And built in timer, on

board reflection and transmission densitometer. Also, for contact

printing, it had a "bump" light situated directly over where the litho

film would've been on the vacuum easel to "flash" the paper for

contrast control. I now use that as my 8x10 contact printer, having

replaced the original 15 watt bulb with a 100-watter. It, too, is

hooked into the camera's digital timing system.




This entire unit (less the halogen light for copy work which I

removed) is no larger than a washing machine and fits neatly

into one corner of my darkroom. The only downside is that the

maximum print size on the vacuum easel is 18x22 inches, which

means my practical limit for prints is 16x20.




Anyway, you might check around local print shops or

newspapers to see if they've got one of these units collecting

dust. Since I've had mine, two friends of mine have gotten similar

stat cameras, one for a couple hundred dollars and the other for





Hope this helps.

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Go to www.smallparts.com. Click on the "Catalog" link, and look

under R for rack and P for pinion. These guys carry vast amounts of

grownup tinker toys. You'll find yourself inventing projects just so

you can use some of the stuff you find there.

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I went with the Stat camera idea. You can pick them up on on ebay for

$50 and up. I purchared a Walsburg with 3 lens and a 32x40 vacuum

plate for $200 last year. The origional owner had lost his lease

after 20 years and had 3 days left to remove from the building when I

showed up. Only problem is it weighs about 1000 pounds and needs

about a 24' long room to fit in. Anyone have a guess what a 12'x

32"x45" bellows might be worth?

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John, I canibalized an old Polaroid MP-4 camera head for the bellows

and focusing rack. The head is designed for 4x5 but it could easily

be restricted to just the range you need to focus and still cover the

8x10 image. There are some variants of the MP-4 that accomodate 8x10

film. I got mine on Ebay for about $30. It was in pretty ratty shape

but it did the job.

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The smaller vertical cameras use a flourescent bulb light box for

transmission reproductions. Larger verticals and most horizontal

cameras have a transluscent copyboard and the lamps pivot around the

copyboard to backlight it. I would convert one of these to a cold

light of some sort. The original lamps are HOT!




I talked with a graphic arts printing supply rep. about 15 years ago

and he said that when they got a repro camera turned into them in

trade, they just cut them up for scrap metal since digital

reproduction was replacing them and they couldn't resell them.




Repair parts are to the point of having to be custom made.

Fortunately, most of them are built like tanks.

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