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20D does not show up on computer

jr stevens

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Hi ther, I am trying to upload my pics from my 20d to Lighroom 2.1 but when I gop to the drop down menu and

select import pictures from device i get a message stating that the device canot be fouind? I have downloaded the

latest drivers for vista for the 20d and I can upload the pics through picasa no problem but not through Lightroom or

Windows picture gallery....any ideas what the problem could be?

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John, every once in a while my Vista machine fails to spot either a camera or the built in card reader. It may be worth a reboot or two. Sometimes changing to a different USB slot seems to wake the thing up.


Although a card reader is often seen as the answer to all problems, my computer often fails to see a card reader. Things are not always that simple.


hope this helps.



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My Vista PC also fails to recognize the card reader on a regular basis. Here are some things I've tried that have fixed the problem without rebooting. (1)Refresh the application's browser. (2) Restart the application. (3) remove the CF card and reinsert. (4) Disconnect then reconnect the card reader. It can be frustrating, but the card reader is the way to go.
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  • 2 months later...
<p>I had the same problem only i was trying to use the cs4 downloader, anywho install the vista wia driver (i know you have done this but there might be people reading thes that have not) then change communication in the menu from normal to PTP and hey presto the 20D shows up in my computer and cs4 so i would assume it would work in lightroom too!</p>
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