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18-200 any feedbackl?


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DPReview review:






"Would it make sense to get this lens to partner the 5D MK11(sic)?"



No, you'd get vignetting below about 22mm. If you want a -- to 200mm lens for a FF body, Canon's 28-200mm would be a better choice, and would cost $375, compared to $650 for the 18-200mm:







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-I received this lens a day before I left for three weeks in China. I had real concern about trying to carry

three or 4 lenses, yet wanted something with a fairly wide angle and a bit of reach. So, I took an untried lens

with me. I am very satisfied with my decision. It is a great travel lens. Shooting all of the mid range

produces excellent results, wide is better than I expected and at 200mm it is a bit soft, but OK. Will it shoot

as well as my 10-22 or the 24-105 or the 17-40 or the 70-200? Probably not, but then I wanted a single lens to

capture a travel experience, not something to put in a gallery. Many of the shots I have seen so far are

excellent. The IS allowed some very good photos at 1/10 second, some of the shots of the Great Wall shot at 18mm

as well as 200mm have exceeded my expectations. The focus was surprisingly fast and accurate...better than I

believed it would be. Disappointments? No lens hood, no protective sack. Both should have been included for a

lens of this price. I will keep this lens as a travel lens. It will not be my choice if I am shooting for

resale, or for my gallery work. Specifically for your question, I think the 24-105 (a great lens, which I also

have) is not quite wide enough for closeups of several kids, nor long enough to capture them in candid shots on the

playground. I think this is a great lens, especially for what you are looking to shoot.

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