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Polarizer Stuck on Step-Up Ring


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This happens to me more often than I would like with my slim polarizers for various wide-angle lenses... <br>

You could either purchase a set of filter wrenches (e.g. <a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/251749-REG/General_Brand_Filter_Wrench_Set_of.html" >these</a>), or simply use a thin leather strap like one of the original nikon straps: wrap it around the filter, so that the edge of the strap lies on the thin part where you are supposed to gript the filter in order to screw it in/out. Then "tighten" the strap and twist. DO NOT FORCE IT OVERMUCH! But I usually get mine free after a minute or so.<br>

There are other methods involving cooling the filter etc, but - at least to me - these things always happen in the field.<p>

Good luck!

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Reichard - your solution worked! I'll admit I was sceptical, but I'm surprised at how well it worked.


Daniel - I've no doubt your solutions would have worked as well, but my masking tape (and the polarizer/ring) was laying right on my desk while my photo stuff was across the room, and I'm feeling lazy today :)


Thank you!

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  • 2 months later...
<p> This happened to me as well and can't offer anything new to seperate the two filters, however I would offer a solution to prevent it ever happening again. I rub a thin coating of silicone around the threads of all my screw on filters, works like a charm. You can pick up a small bottle(not the spray) at your local scuba shop for about $5.00. Scuba divers use the stuff to keep thier rubber gear supple and from cracking.. Cheers </p>
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  • 2 years later...

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