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Simple Light and Stand Needed


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Hi guys,


I've been hired to do a shoot in a family home. They want BW photos of their baby, nude, against a black

background. So, I'm looking for a light and light stand that I can take with me into the clients' home. Should

I get an umbrella too? I've never worked with any studio lighting equipment, but I'm not opposed to getting

something I could grow into -- Ideally something that I can use as just a light for this case, but also a slave

in the future? I have no idea if that's even possible. Any advice on where to start would be most appreciated.


Many thanks,


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What do you have in the way of camera and flash now? If you are lucky, the client will have white walls and ceiling, in which case, all you need to do is bounce your flash against the wall or ceiling.


Otherwise, what else might you have in the way of external flashes, if anything?

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Sorry, I should've mentioned what I have. I have a 580EXII and that's it, in the way of lighting. I have been pretty successful at bouncing and so forth, but I want a very specific look for these shots and I will definitely be needing a light and stand for it.
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Read www.strobist.com and its Lighting 101 section for a more detailed explanation. But I would go to www.bhphotovideo.com and look for a basic 8-foot Bogen/Manfrotto stand (about $50) and a white or silver umbrella with black backing (several brands available, most less than $50). Strobist recommends a particlular umbrella that double folds down small enough to fit your camera bag and you can buy it either through them or B&H. Also will need a bracket to hold the umbrella and your 580 on the stand. Again Strobist has specific recommendations and sells packages if you want. And a long PC cord. For a backgrop you might want to look at the People Popper line. Very easy to transport and set up. You can use your 580, no need to buy another strobe, but will have to operate it on full manual. Do you have a flash meter? That would make life easy but if you're shooting digital you can just guestimate and chimp.
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OK--so what is that specific look?


If it were me, I'd get the Bogen 8 foot stand, a Bogen stand/umbrella adapter, a Photek Softlighter II--46", and a used Norman 200B, Quantum Q Flash, Sunpak 120J, or Lumedyne old style kit. You will need a long sync cord or wireless triggers, like CyberSyncs or Skyports if you can't afford Pocket Wizards. Optical slaves won't work with the 580EXII acting as fill, if you use it that way.


What camera do you have? Does it have a PC sync port?

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