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Photo Of The Month October 2008 (1 image only)


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Wow, if anyone was going to give Gary a run as my personal favorite, yours does it.


Absolutely perfect silhouette, great contrast, and nice eye for the scene. Definitely much different than the usual stuff we see of and around the sydney opera house. I like everyones attention, including the cameras, focused in different directions. Very cool!


O shiva,


I liked that shot in the POW, and still like it in the POM.




did you soften that in a digital filter? or was it the wind...kinda like the pastel effect. I saw a foliage scene like that on another forum, and I have to add that to my checklist next fall.

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There are some incredible shots here. I thought the POTW was good. This is even better. Gary does have a stunning shot without question but every shot posted is excellent in it's own right.

It's too hard to pick a favourite from these. Salim is that Orton processing?


Mine is an abstract which I've been doing more experimenting with of late.



<a target='_blank' title='ImageShack - Image And Video Hosting' href='http://imageshack.us/'><img src='http://img238.imageshack.us/img238/4575/ivp0164121bordersmallbu3.jpg' border='0'/></a>

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Well, Maria likes old buildings or barns and there are a lot of them in New York State, so here's my POM



All of the above pics are truly awesome. I hope I can get some inspiration from all of the contributors and learn more

techniques as time passes on. Right now I'm just shooting what I see.<div>00RLd9-84225584.jpg.f7a79251f951d3a2a68dac8e108226b8.jpg</div>

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Christophe: Belle photo, t'as bien choisis l'endroit :-) <p>

George: That is an outstanding capture.. for me, anyways. well done. <p>

Jemal: Good catch with the pigeon perched on top. It's a pretty photo. <p>

Salim: Well taken scene.. it certainly has a very serene and lazy afternoon setting to it. <p>

Peter: You almost would like that on something glass. Beautiful colors, and I like the shimmering effect. <p>

Bob: That's quite a beautiful barn, especially with the fall colors behind. I am not sure I approve of your decision to pick something because Maria would approve tho.. what about the rest of us? LOL. <p>

This thread was certainly a good idea. It's really wonderful to get to see such diversity and beauty.

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Yeah, George, that is quite a shot. If you take a lot of pictures like that I am sure someone will pay you to do so.


Christophe, Frederik, Adam - excellent uses of selective focus. The out of focus areas adding as much as the in focus areas - all very nice!


Bob, that's a great looking barn. I'm with you in the "shoot what I see" (for me, kids and more kids) but I love taking in the pictures others make.


Cheers Justin, great thread idea. (And if I didn't say so before, an excellent shot to start us. I'd love to be able to see your scenic shots even bigger, is there a way I am missing?)

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@Justin, Love the image. There are times when I wait for people to walk into my shots and there are times when I wish I where alone. I would have liked to see a tad more water especially since you nailed the balance in shutter speed...


@Ben, I have starred and starred at your image and I can't quite place it. It is a great shot with great skies. Almost looks like an HDR. I would like to see it with slightly less saturation...I also suspect the small size we are restricted to here on P.NET is not doing your image any favors.


@Nick, As always, you do well in capturing those precious moments that will last a life time....


@John, you have a nice capture there. Would love to see it at 700pix wide....


@Javier, Your image sucks..., stick to shooting ducks.. LOL.


@Dave, great colors..would love to see it with a 20% sharpen.


@Garry, Is that a sepia finish? Great, great capture...


@Adam, That is one great image..Great, use of Bokek!!!!!


@Andrew, It is not often that a somewhat symmetrical image works for me, but this one looks great, the colors are spot on... I am not sure how I feel about the power lines. I would try to clone them out.


@Markus, Nice post card. are those the three wise men?


@Fred, Lots and lots of bokeh. Was the vase the focus point?


@O shiva, Your pp skills are legendary here on P.net. I would love to see what you can do with photography,


@Haig, Thank you. I did indeed wait for someone to get into my pic. I love your image...The use of black and white on that silhouette kicks total butt...


@Christophe, precious, simply precious...The bokeh is clean and nice.


@George C...By far my personal fav of the this thread. What you do with film is flat great....


@Jemal, wonderful use of color, but that stranger on the left makes the image for me...Bravo...


@Salim, Gorgeous...What a pleasant image to look at.I am glad the PP work is not overdone...Nice job.


@Peter, I am not sure what to think of the abstract? A part of me likes the refection of the water, but then my eyes are drawn to the top looking for the trees.I do like the colors. It makes me think Autumn..


@Bob, what a great barn, nice colors. I would like to see the rule of thirds more in this shot as I believe the surroundings would really help set the context and improvement overall. All in all Nice capture..

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I went to pick up Jordan for a shoot,with me was another model Monica...We were shooting at a waterfall up in the

mountains..Since it was a long drive my camera was burried in the back of the car...Walking up to Jordans house

within a stones throw a Bald Eagle landed with a fish,on a side road...Simply amazing!!!Gaint bird that close...I knew

theres no way i'd get my camera in time and there was no real shot there,not a very good composition..Monica had

her lil point an shot out of her purse an got a few pictures before it flew off...


Well a few minutes later he came soaring back and landed on the neighbors roof...I went to my car,dug out my

camera and as always had the wrong lens on,switched quickly to my 70-300 trying not to break anything as excited i

was...Set my shutter speed to what i though it should be.Brough the camera up an took one shot without

looking..Brough it back down,looked,knew i needed to be 3 stops down,adjusted and brought it back up in time to

get 2 shots of him on the roof an then he flew...


Tracking a moving bird is a lot harder then one might think...Note in the image i caught his wings at full

extention....In the 12 by 18 print you can see the individual feathers pretty clearly and blood on his beak...This is a

once in a life time shot....


The image is from 2007 hope thats okay...Or do they have to be 2008 images?<div>00RLkP-84281584.jpg.8c0b0cac3299520970958cfa89e3354d.jpg</div>

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@Gary Ian Young...Love that image and the effct of the sun rays...Really nice...


@Andrew....Wow man...Very cool!!!


@Fredrik...Thats a great shot...


@Haig.....Thats sooo cool it looks like some classic image from the old days like the 80s or 70s


@George C... You sir are amazing...That image is absolutely perfect!!!


I saw some things on some images that did not sit well with me but A)I am in no position to point out what i see as possible faults and B)Every time i have in the past i feel bad about it....

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If you have a flickr account, just add me as a contact. (if you have a Yahoo account or login for any reason you

technically have a free basic flickr account).


But here is the shot larger...(unfortunately it's LARGE...up your screen res to at least 1280x1024 and then hit

F11 on your browser!!)


<a href="http://www.bighugelabs.com/flickr/onblack.php?id=2946537888&size=large">Justin's POM Large</a>

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Javier - thanks. It is not sepia - it's just as it was! I have applied the slightest sharpening in Lightroom, and nothing

else to the shot (well, framing too). I was shooting friends and family in the mist when suddenly the sun broke

through. I then got two shots with rays shining down before the sun disappeared again. Very lucky.


**Adam - very cool perspective.<br>

**Andrew - I love the coolness of the houses against the warm sky.<br>

**Markus, against the black background that shot is really punchy without being over saturated. Excellent!<br>

**Frederick - no need to compete - your shot rocks! How can you say its not great? There must be something in the

100% view that we can't see, because I think it is really well composed, good light, and such good coloring!<br>

**O Shiva - love it, love it! The perspective, the pp, the detail, excellent.<br>

**Haig - that is the best true silhouette I've seen in a long time, in addition to being an excellent approach to an often

steroetypical subject! Awesome stuff.<br>

**Cristophe - that shot is very good in a number of ways. The composition, the "dreamy" (and creamy) bokeh, the

little subject's blissfulness. What is the black dot off-center left near the top? Is it from the scan?<br>

**George - composition, subject, light - all great. The exposure certainly is spot on.<br>

**Jemal - the seagull does indeed add to the shot!<br>

**Salim - welcome! And a great beginning too! It looks like you have dropped the clarity right down in post


**Peter - great mix of crisp ripples and blurry reflection, and seasonal colors too!<br>

**Bob - I like the barn (probably less than Maria though). Would have liked to see just a little more by pulling back a

bit though. But still really nice.<br>

**Lorenzo, you have two ways of posting a picture. Firstly by posting a comment and then attaching your shot after

you confirm your comment - there will be a prompt to browse for it. It has to be 700 pixels or less in width for that to

show though. Secondly, you can use html to post it in your comment. But that is a little more complicated unless

you can use html tags. Let me know if you need more help.<br>

**Erik - thanks. That is a spectacular bird! BIF (birds in flight) are really tough!

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While everyone's photos are fantastic, I have to say that George's woman smoking in the window is the kat's meow for me. My eyes keep coming back to it which means I must love it.


Based on Javier's outstanding photo, I need Justin's high ISO shooting lessons too.


Garry you should give us instructions on how you got that Girl running through mist shot. Wow.


Again, everyone, I'm blown away by everyone's efforts.

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Well, I haven't been able to do much more than snapshots lately, but out of everything I've shot this month, this one

is my favorite! Even raking up leaves and hickory nuts, this kid's wearing a smile on his face! <br>


<table style="width:auto;"><tr><td><a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/BUTj7iBJAgsD4-

WCmUI76A"><img src="http://lh5.ggpht.com/_QwbDuwpRCRA/SQyWK7OZ1-

I/AAAAAAAACqY/bFYOOJtLdSY/s400/Oct282008_3781%20copy.jpg" /></a></td></tr><tr><td style="font-

family:arial,sans-serif; font-size:11px; text-align:right">From <a


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Jemal - as I said above, it was luck! I was shooting friends and family in the mist (hence my camera being at

ISO400) with my 100mm macro for candid portraits when the sun broke through. I got two shots, one of my daughter

running out just as the sun was shining. Then the sun disappeared but I had a tingle in my guts knowing I had a

goody! Feels better than fishing!


Patrick - love the throwing shot! What lighting did you use for that? It's amazing that the bride is perfectly exposed

yet there is enough light reaching back to the girls behind her. And yes, my mist shot is printed large and hanging on

my living room wall.


Natacha - that is cool! Pun intended! What on earth is a cruise ship doing among ice? Isn't the Caribbean where

you're meant to be?!?!


Alisa, nice candid! What lens was that?


Lorenzo - great shot! Really worth trying again!! I'm from the tropics, so I really don't know what I'm seeing there! Is it

muddy water amongst snow and ice? Or is that color from the sun? Or have you totally fooled me with some post

processing? Really attractive shot!

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Wow! I really like this thread, some fantastic pics! quick shout outs to: Lorenzo's ice falls, Peter's abstract, George's window light, Fredrik's vase, and Garry your daughter's shot! I hope you have that printed and framed in your house! Seriously everyone else is good too! I'm already looking forward to next potm! Here is mine from the month, taken in Mexico during my honeymoon: <br>

<a href=" in the line of fire! title="in the line of fire! by Shaloot, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3025/2953580846_f7325b1ea1.jpg" width="334" height="500" alt="in the line of fire!" /></a>

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