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Question to the mods....


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lol who are the mods anyway????


Well i was just wondeing....Are nudes not allowed?.....Not even Fine Art ones if at all?


A lot of the American based forums do not allow nudes...In this country we still have issues with nudity unlike most

of Europe and other places where topless beaches raise no eye brows.....


I had my first attempt at Fine Art nudes with a 23 yr old model namec Cabrea....They came out 10 times better

then what i thought i could do although some missed the mark of Fine Art they have a very high class look to

them...I was pretty excited...The biggest test i took them to my ultra consrevative neighbors,prespitierians (spelling?)

and i asked his wife if she'd give them a look...She kind of paused an then said ya i'll look....She was looking at

one...Nothing said then came this soft "wow"....."thats amazing"......I was like YES!!!!!!!......For that shoot i was

nervous...Not due to the subject matter but if i could get the image or not..If it would look like just a girl standing

there nakid....


As well i was the first photographer that Cabrea had worked with that she liked....The last one she did nudes with

she told me he pulled out a picture of his "ahhm" and showed her...I was like WHAT!!!!......


Anyway....I do have one where nothing is showing....Maybe that one could be posted?...


In terms of shooting nudes or lingerie that kind of thing what i tell any model and have explained to a few husbands

an boyfriends....Is that you dont even look at the model to much...You have to be focused on what the digital display

is telling you in the camera,whats in frame,a quick look at the edges of the frame...Your concentrating on so many

small details the models not something you have time to sit there an be wowed by....If you dont pay attention to all

the small details an your watching the half nakid girl you get shit for a image....


I am trying to streer more an more my shooting to Fine Art type images....Fine Art being the most challenging as

its so very very technical....MOST photographers dont know a lot about Fine Art and could'nt name 5 Fine Art

photographers...Best Fine Art photography magazines out there...Lens Work and Focus.....


So.....Let me know if nudes are allowed,i'm thinking they are not...But thats not something thats sensable just in

that its a part of our art....


What sickens me is the hacks who call themselves photographers and post cheesy ass shots and

garbage....Theres a huge differance between snap shots or perv shots and a glamour image or lingerie image thats

taken with intent of being not only hot but a outstanding image....


Also.....While i have your attention =P Whats requiered to be a mod?...Is it true you have lazers that come out of

your eyes an fry people?And can you do the whole thunder and lightning thing when you talk?....I was a mod on a

site once...I had to delete a person who had become my friend =( He was using racist remarks...I have ZERO

tollerance for racism..He would not stop so....


Also...I'm very random...Sorry...

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Erik, I'm not a mod, but I will ask you NOT to post nudes here. I connect often to this forum, from work, and any risk'e photos - should they be seen on my monitor would get me fired. If you begin to post such pics here, I will have to restrict my learning experience to random connections on the weekend - and will lose out on a lot of opportunities for learning from the boards.
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@Rose....Well i'd not want to get ANYONE in trouble....If it was allowed i would put in the thread title something like PG or something so people would know the content....


I'd love to get some feed back on these images....


Again...If i did post them as Tom says they are readily sceen on the site,i'd put some warning in the tread title....Would that help you Rose?...If you see it in the title you know not to click the thread,very simple....

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If you MUST post a nude in a particular equipment forum (like this one), don't post it in-line. Post a clearly labeled

link TO it. Clearly labeled, as in, "NOT SAFE FOR WORK."


People (like me!) might be on the road in a coffee shop, or - as Rose mentions - in a place of employment, and get

sandbagged by a 700-pixel nude. Think about what happens: some mom in the coffee shop is walking her kids past

your laptop, or the manager is standing right there. Not only could that make the innocent message board user look

like he has terrible judgement, but it can also get entire web sites (like this one) banned by proxy filters that serve

certain networks.


Some places, like restaurants, that provide free WiFi to their customers use third-party blacklists and filtering

systems to allow/disallow certain web sites from showing up on systems they support. It's a legal and public

relations thing, for obvious reasons. It only takes a few complaints before a terrific web site like this can get tossed

onto one of those blacklists - and it's really hard to get it back off.


The occasional small thumbnail on the PN home page isn't likely to be an issue. But images the size of the ones

that Erik routinely plunks down in a message thread could easily been see from twenty feet away in a public setting.

It's something to think about, since it can impact many more users than you might think. And all you have to do is

just put your images up on your own hosting somewhere, and link TO them, with a text link, rather than display them

as part of your post. It's the polite think to do, because it allows you to give people some warning.

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I agree on the no nudes in the pentax section for selfish reasons. My Son Daniel whom many have come to know here, visits the pentax forum with me daily and he is 8 years old. He does not need to be seeing that. Heck I don't need to be seeing that. If I am not mistaken, there is a nudes section here on pnet.
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I think Matt Laur gave the correct answer overall - There are literally hundreds of nude albums on this site and linking to them is not a problem.. Give fair warning for the sake of some folks who might have issues with it though. And no funny business like.. hey look at this great barn shot 'link'.. and when the link opens it's boobies galore. lol - Which of course I would only be too happy to review. Then again, I'm a dirty minded, middle-aged, godless, childless married man. Anything goes in my book ;)
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I dont want anyone to not come to this part of the forum due to content..But this is a photography forum...If the rules of the forum allow for such then its allowed...If the forum holders,owners whatever want to design the forum around say Javier's preferances then they contact him and do so....


Other wise they have rules set in place and thats how the forum is...Like it or not....Mods are not in place to enforce public or personal oppinion they are in place to enforce the Forum policies and rules....


That said....I wont be posting any nudes in this forum....However...As the forum grows you need to look at and understand one day someone might post a nude in the forum....They dont have to cater to Javiers wishes as its not his forum....No offense intened Javier....


So yeah....I will not post them here...But in another forum section maybe and post a thread here that i might get some feedback on them from people in this section of the forum...


As for the porn comment....My nudes are going to be epic...Not trashy...


I have been out of work for some time...Taking care of my mom an all...Someone offered me good money to shot some adult stuff...I turned it down without even thinking about it..Thats not the direction i want to go with my photography....

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It might make more sense to post those types of pictures in a forum directed soley to that topic, rather than an

equipment forum. Erik, if you are looking for an audience to your work, and a critique - then people who shoot that

same style might be better able to relate to your topic.


Being truthful to you, Erik, some of your scantily clad images of Jordan would cause a bit of frowning from my

bosses - it isn't just the full naked views that I am worried about - and, if you want to know how seriously restricted

my job is for firewalls - I can't view flickr or any photo specific sites - I also can not view our member galleries. And,

I'm ok with this. I'd rather not get in trouble from clicking on a wrong link to something 'risk'e' - those firewalls could

very easily be saving me my job.


Thus far, I've had to jump quickly out of just about every single jordan picture that you've posted. I wanted to tell you

this off-line, earlier - but wasn't able to. - I know you aren't intentionally vindictive, and that you have a desire for

feedback or whatnot from showing your work, but your pictures 'flashed' in corporate america - are dangerous

material, which I can't comment on, & have only taken quick glances at to estimate appropriateness.


It's not you, and definitely is not a reflection on your merits as a photographer. From what (quick) views I've seen,

your work tends to be pretty good. - But, the topics just won't keep me getting my pay checks if one of my bosses

were to see them on screen.


Javier - I didn't realize that your son was becoming a regular here. You're a good papa. :) There's a lot of great info

to be picked up from the gang's postings. I wish you'd let him join in the conversations, sometime... :D

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We all like to see eachother's work. That being said, this is a Pentax-focused <i>equipment</i> forum, and if

you feel you have a lot of posting to do, particularly of <i>certain</i> subject matters, there are probably

better places--there are Nude categories in the gallery, or possibly in various forums among the 'Photography

Practice & Technique Forums'. The moderators have been granting us a fair amount of leeway (I've seen this

hinted at a few times) with our relatively heavy image posting (such as our regular photo-of-the-week threads)

which tend not to focus so much on Pentax equipment as a topic, but threads are sometimes moved to other forums,

and I wouldn't want to push the mods too far. Anyway, I would agree with others here that we wouldn't want

anyone discouraged from visiting this forum for that reason.

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@Rose....I value you in this Forum...I dont just post Jordans glamour...Look in the "emotions" thread i made.....Jordan has a very full portfolio from jeans an t-shirt stuff to glamour...Head shots everything and not just Jordan i shoot that with a number of models and they respect my work cause it is of the more classy then whats out there....


Anyone surfing at work to have expectations that accomidate them,i think thats wrong thinking...Surfing a site should be done on your own time anyway...Thats not to say that i would not surf in a job where i could..I most likely would but would do so understanding that the trouble i walked into doing so would be souly on my shoulders an no one else....As the surfing would be something i could do in my own time....


This is all moot point....I said i'd not post them in this forum...


I thought this thread would get a adverse reaction....People who come to a forum for a period of time often start to feel like they own the forum and have a say in what happens in the forum and who can even post there or driving off new people they dont like...I have seen that as well in other types of forums...

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Andrew valid points...Pictures relate to gear though..If pictures are allowed then they are allowed and done so within what the forum policies allow for....Allowing pictures and picture threads in this area of the forum makes it 10 times more interesting and increases the traffic to this forum...Not allowing pictures would greatly hurt this part of the forum and i think the mods know that,as such they give a lot of leeway....
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FYI - front page of photo.net has a great nude shot ' Anna' she's a good looking girl in blue light... check it out ;)


Anyway, just post links like, Hey - check out my nude photos taken with my PENTAX gear here.. I really enjoy the tonal range my K10D is capable of, it makes for wonderful skin tones..

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It's a good solution to show only links to your model photos marked not safe for work. So far, I did not

get the impression that you really want honest critics on your photos Eric (see unreplied thread http://www.photo.net/pentax-camera-forum/00RIjI for example) . And please, could you

simply STOP telling us in every thread how bad you think about "other photographers" and only talk

about yourself?

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Erik, Nobody is trying to run you off, but understand where many of us are coming from. The mods here on P.net are some of best ones I have ever seen in any forum. They do their job well and seldom do we see them, yet they are always lurking. The pentax section here in particular is a small family and many of us have gotten to know each other well. We do NOT always agree, but have respect for one another, As Andrew noted, they let us us post our images here and even discuss some off topic stuff...Being a member of this forum is a privilege. The forum owes us nothing...So when you come in here guns blazing with remarks like this.....


''Erik Skipit , Oct 26, 2008; 11:44 a.m.


I just love it when these Nikon or Canon idiots tell me if i'm going to shoot professionally i need to switch to Nikon or Canon....Then i tell them show me what image of mine is not professional.....Some of the Nikon shootser are as stupid as the over loaded cameras they shoot...Cameras that are loaded with trhings you DONT need..... ''


You bring up red flags...You managed to bring out two mods in that thread and it was one of the few times I have seen a thread closed....


I for one do not want to see you leave...I would love to enjoy seeing your work here. If you want to post nudes, as has been mentioned, there is a nude section. I have no problem with nudes. It is not my cup of tea, but to each his own. I see no problem with tasteful nudes. It is after all truly art.. Just post them in their proper forum or gallery.

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@Erik, Yes, I'm sure you value me as much as I value you.


Most people who have some freedom will abuse that freedom until it is taken away from them. I have been extremely lucky to have been able to participate in many of the group's discussions since I bought my camera last year. I've learned a lot about lenses here, and through seeing samples of people's works using various equipment, managed to make informed decisions on the best equipment that would suit my needs in my budding hobby.


In my time here, I've also learned that there's a reason for posting pictures on this site. Sometimes it's bragging rights - other times, it's for hearing feedback on how it could have been done better. But for the post for the simple show of picture, without taking the negative along with the positive - why bother.


I know that I come here to learn. I'm a beginner and admit it openly. A week ago, I was told by a member here that I should have used a faster ISO. I agreed with him - that my method was silly - and learned enough that for the next time - I'll improve.


In saying this, I will ask you what you expect from posting your images here. I've yet to see you accept a 'negative' comment. At one point, I told you a picture was blurry. You found a walk around, to deny it. At another point someone commented on how to improve an image and you argued that you liked it the way it was. To me, and I'm sure you'll tell me that I'm wrong - If you can't take the negative comments and work with them - you're not here to learn anything. So, what benefit are you getting from showing us these works? ARe we all to just pat you on the back and say 'bravo' but not mean it?


I've said you've done some good work -but I won't say that I like more than a tenth of the pictures you've posted here. I've enjoyed your scenics. I think your people pictures, a few of them are good. More often than not - I am wondering what post processing you did and why the girl looks radio-active. Not calibrated screen or whatever - they don't look natural.


BUT, If I said it - I am sure you'd find a way to deny it. (For, I've seen you not accept criticism already).

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@Tom....Well not threat but along the lines of my death...


@Javier....I have a lot of respect for you and the mods for that matter...I did not imply i was being run off or anyone trying to...It was more a general statement...


@Markus..I dont always get back to comments on my images or anyone being critical of them and thats not that i blow it off...

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@Rose...Well thankyou for pointing that out to me...I will try to be more receptive in that area...


What image was it you thought was blurry again?....

I'm not sure on your opening statement if that was with sarcasim or not...I was not sarcastic when i said it regaurding you...Theres a lot of good people in the forum from what i have seen thus far...One of the hard things about typing is you dont know the emotion or intent something was said with...

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On this thread...I asked a question to the mods...So far as i know no mods have posted...But then i have no idea who the mods are....A few members posted...Based on the input they had i decided okay even if its allowed i'd not post it in this part of the forum....


Tom...I've not seen that shot...Ive not seen much else other then this part of the forum....lol at this point i'm sure Rose an everyone else would prefer i go to another forum...

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