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Pentax...Gear Up Or Sell Out....Thoughts Anyone???


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I have a huge descion to make...I was out of work for a long time taking care of my mom leaving me pretty much

pennyless....I have sold a few images here an there doing some shows but what i have done has been in the wrong

areas....It was cheap to get into and all i could afford....But the price i ask for my images is more on the high end...I

am though on the low end of the higher end market....IE...A Chuck Guildner 12 by 18 starts at around 600...My

limited 12 by 18 Fine Art prints start at $300...And stay there lol...But $300....My limited edition landscapes and

sceenic prints are $100 same size and my open editions are $35 in that size.....


K anyway....Heres the choice i am faced with...I was in a accident,had a guy do a road rage on me....I got a

settlement check..Not much but enough to get the K20D and that sweet lens....Heres my chioce i am faced with



Do i....Buy the gear...Or use that money for a show or two to try and get some sales and $$$$ in my

pocket...Now...My cameras a lil over 2 years old,has some hot pixels its not going to get better...In fact i think it was

a used one when i got it...And i have no digital back up for it....So...do i get the gear leaving me again with little

funds...Or do i put that money towards doing a few shows,craft shows or art shows...Something like that....Theres a

home show coming up...Its in a ritzy part of town...The cost is $900 for 3 days...The camera is $850 and the lens is

$700 so if i wanted to do the show i could get just the body...But then i'm still using my sucky 18 to 55 lens on a

great camera....


My buddies input was...The economy is in the toilet so even doing the show my sales might not be there.If i got the

gear i'd have gear to get better images then what i struggle to get now..And i'll tell you what shooting at a higher ISO

with the ist sucks ass its grainy as hell....I was at the librarey today and bumped into a fellow Pentax shooter that i

had met at the Farmers market this last year where i had a booth...He was talking about shooting at ISO 1,600 with

his K10D and the K20D is suppose to be better with noise then the K10D...


My buddy says to get the gear...I live with my mom and now shes back on her feet...But i live with her,have no life

anyway...I could get a 9 to 5 job but when you do that that greatly kills your photography...My buddies been shooting

for just over 5 years,works full time...In the year plus that i had off i built a bigger portfolio then he had in his 5 years

of shooting...An he's pretty good....


The gear is where you make your money...I have sold some prints and some pictures of Jordan,which she loves as

i get that money to her and she signs the images,she does it with a lil heart by her name,such a dork...But the gear

is where you make the money....Do i buy the gear or just try to sell my current print selection which is a bit over 100

images NOT including my open editions and Jordans swimsuit stuff....And having to be factored into this is that if my

camera craps out on me i am done....Till i can sell a bunch on images i'd be dead in the water.....


My buddy said to get the gear....Any thoughts from anyone else if you were in this position?....Gear is

vital......OMG...It would be so sweet...I have held the K20D....It took 5 sales people to get it out of my hands lol....


But i have to be able to get out an do shows of some kind....I put some of my settlement check into getting some

images framed,museum quality framed,corner tabbed conservation reflective control glass etc etc....Thats for when i

do a show....IF i have the funds to show....<div>00RKNR-83735684.jpg.758a55ce2831e983586e86b4ca2872bc.jpg</div>

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If you think the show will give you a big enough return than it's a no brainer.


Do show, buy gear after show...if you feel return will be there.


What is comes down to is timing your investment in the show, if you don't think it's gonna profit you, the K20D

will allow you to continue producing fine images in a down market, when the market perks up, you will have a

greater catalog to sell.


So...(back where you started).


BTW, love the shot!!

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Spectacular shot.


Flip a coin. I agree with Justin. If you think the show will bring /develop business... do it. Buy the gear later. If

not... buy the gear now and keep shooting. Judging by the quality of some of your shots you've posted the last few

days, you manage quite well with your "dated" equipment. Is it an option to do the show, buy the body and rent the

lens at times you need? Just curious, what lens are you talking about?

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I like the Fresh Tracks shot too. I am having to think that you wouldn't be wanting to use super-elevated ISO for larger fine art prints anyway, though I suppose the K20D might be worth 1 stop better image quality at higher ISO. Since you're trying to run a business, I think it might be more responsible to let the work pay for the equipment rather than deplete your remaining cash reserve. Not sure what lenses you have in mind but glass is very pricey and in many cases if mounted on a tripod and stopped down you probably won't be able to tell the difference.
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Javier - that's funny.


Erik - Seriously, if you're getting that much from your prints, I'd keep shooting with the *ist, and stack the ends, and buy a new camera when the *ist breaks. You could also consider just getting a really good lens, since I hear the body is only secondary anyway. That would allow you to do both the show and upgrade. Get a nice limited lens. (then I could hate you for your gear and models...lol..right now I just hate your for your models.) Carry a p&s back up body until you build your war chest. Won't look professional, but a Canon P&S that lets you control all the setting manually will get your through the shoot in case of an emergency. Also, get at me off list, I got a 1.7 manual 50mm that you can borrow just for the cost of shipping. Don't forget that one of the reasons we love pentax is that you can use all that old great class that you find at pawnshops and estate sells.

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Jemal,Justin And Javier are you guys the three musketeers?


A lot to respond to here...A lot of nice thoughts an praise...Huh maybe i have found a home here...I really like the

three musketeers...


I have not sold a single Fine Art print....They are reasonable priced...Theres a sale pending...But have not sold



I have to go do some things and will respond to all post when i get back...Again thanks so much for the

ideas,thoughts an warmth..... =)


..Image Attached...Meet Whitney....<div>00RKQS-83755584.thumb.jpg.ac85dc888b4dc9245ac76ce80554d1f6.jpg</div>

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Cleaning...Will get back to the other comments in time but a on line portfolio kind of useless...No one that matters is going to go looking for my work and when i mean anyone that matters i mean any magazine editors,The Smithsonian,Metropolitan Museum Of Modern Art,....I am leaning more towards something else....I will never benefit from but someone will.....I have to get back to cleaning....Then i can post....


Image...Fine Art...Jordan From the Millers Angels Series....<div>00RKS6-83765684.thumb.jpg.dfda9882f642715d287ad1d8bd2c2904.jpg</div>

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Erik, which of the *ist cameras are you using? The original *ist-D (not DL or DS) is an especially nicely built camera. Metal body, essentially, and pro style control layout. Its durable build should keep on truckin' for ya. Even if getting a new K20D, and the price keeps dropping, the *ist-D is a very nice compact model for when you need compact, and as a backup. Very good shooter for RAW.
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Me too Geoff.


I was rebalancing my 401k the other night (first time in months) and realized I had $1000 in money market. I didn't realize I'd had that much sitting in cash after the 401k switch my company did.


Of course I was giddy. Put $800 in the market, and the rest in bonds for now. 8500 was talked about some time ago as a mythical dooms day scenario and when it hit that I think it will stabilize.


Even with some more losses at 20 years out, this is a godsend for people in there 30s for long term investment.



Buy Buy Buy!

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@Somanna....I think i am going to get the gear and not for those reasons...But thanks....


@Justin...The show could be an absolute bust then i'm out the money and have the old gear....


@Jemal...Given thought while cleaning up i think i'll get the K20D...I cant sink any lower then i am right now and given the conditions i often find myself shooting in be it landscape or with Jordan what that camera brings to the table would help me a LOT....


@Kevin...That might be a possability...I talked tonight for the first time with the person in charge of the show...I have to get him some of my work and if i can convince him that i would be a asset to the event then MAYBE i can get a break...He was really cool though talking to him and he didnt just blow me off like so many have....


@Patrick...Thanks for the input,the lens i was convinced to get by the Three Musketeers was the 16 to 50 f2.8 Will kick ass over my current 18 to 55 f5.6


@Andrew....The higher ISO for shooting at night and some low light situations like with Jordan...The weather sealedness of the lens an the K20D body as i WILL shoot in the snow or rain...The only way to keep me from shooting is kill me...Thats the only condition i wont shoot in....


@Jemal...The superior sensor and weatherized body have me sold on the K20D as well as the 11 point focus the focusing of the ist is really pissing me off lately.....


@Javier....Lakers....I have not followed sports.tv or movies in so long....I sit here in my room at the computer or i'm shooting...I shoot thats it...A girl the other day asked me my name..I told her it didnt matter....I'm a photographer and my images are all that matters.....


@Javier.....I have submitted to magazines and gotten no response....I dont like to be ignored...So basically yeah...I wont say any more then that...Working on this whole professional concept...I am so deep in debt...Its not a coarse i am pursuing any more...If i get a job my wages right away would be double garnished taking enough of my check theres no way i could get by or ahead...I plan on building up a massive print catalog and leaving that to Jordan...With my limited prints and my open editions she'd be set pretty well....I started my open editions under another name and seperate from my main line...


I'm attaching one of my open editions...Sunset at the Marina....The Inn in the background wanted to use it on their web site...I offered them a screaming deal price wise..The response..."Oh we were hoping to just use the image,you'd get credit for it"...Right...You want to use my image,commercially,for free....F*** YOU......What a insult....<div>00RKTQ-83773584.jpg.6d65ff5c7b2ded63c0f649e5f762d98d.jpg</div>

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The cut off foot in the B&W of Jordan bothers me a bit, and the shot of the marina seems to be not quite horizontal but nice colours. The snowscape is nice too, but also looks a bit tilted and has a slightly purplish cast on my screen. I suppose the cast could be intentional and some might think it adds to the atmosphere.
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Eric, $900 for three days?


In my opinion, this is not a good deal. For $900, you could probably rent kiosk space in a shopping mall for a month;

probably including some other expenses associated with running the stand.


At $300 a day, your work should be on display in a luxury hotel that gives you free room and board and comes stocked

with free booze and is next to a nightclub filled with hot women.


If you pay these guys $300 a day, you are paying them for services that might not be rendered; as in, you don't know

you're going to sell anything with them. Under those terms, you could hire a homeless person on a streetcorner to hock

your prints while he was begging for change. 10 years ago, I had a homeless person disclose to me that on a certain

streetcorner in our average-sized mediocre city, he easily made $25/hour simply standing at the correct intersection with

a cardboard sign.


Under the $300 a day space rental plan, you could economize by having a homeless guy stand on the corner with your

prints for eight hours a day, and you'd maybe get over by $100.


I'm just saying. I don't think it's a good idea to pay into something that's not going to happen unless you've got some

kind of contract or longer term agreement with those people. Even then . . . maybe if you were in a gallery venture that

needed some front money; still, I would only risk what I could afford to lose.


Save the money. I'd recommend not paying up front for sales space. I could see a gallery deal where they took a cut;

in fact, if that cut was too steep, I'd get someplace else.


I would not buy new equipment. Is the old equipment still working? Do your customers say, Wow, You need more

megapixels? Hey, some stock agencies do have their limits on that; but if it's not directly affecting you, and the windfall

is less than a thousand dollars, I'd say hold out.


At those prices, you might be better off with a small below-the-fold ad in a hip tabloid or renting some small space for a

longer time to sell your wares, displayed as a group. J.

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@Jemal.....God bless you....Even half lit and now pissed off you make me laugh.....


@John...That was a lot to type out man....I dont know what i want at this point an as i have been drinking know even less of the direction to go....Its very frustrating and really the ist is my best friend...My first digital....If i got the K20D it would give me the second camera i need to shoot weddings,second camera for the second shooter which would be Jordan...I cant rent a second one...2 reasons...Theres NO ONE in the area where i live that rents cameras....And i dont have any credit where i could rent one......I have the money...So...I will think on it more...I want what i decide to be something that i gave enough thought to and have no regrets....Thanks again for the input and on the cost of that venue.....


Wow good thing for the backspace...amazing the more you drink the more you need it lol......<div>00RKVg-83789584.jpg.e9336f0a1ad4259d85644fbca9c7c8e2.jpg</div>

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