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Emotion Anyone?.....


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Capturing emotion can be very difficult...Its a matter of being in the right place at the right time and having the

camera dialed in just right....I dont have much captured emotion in my portfolio...


I have worked with a number of models and this can be the hardest thing for them to project is emotion..A lot of

models have just one or two looks..Getting something beyond just a smile can be challenging...A smile works if it

has a element of goofiness to it...


So what do you have for emotion that you can share with everyone viewing and such....Leaving this open to snap

shots as well more professional type pictures....I'm starting out with 2....One more of a snap shot of Jordan an her lil

sister Gabi...She was trying to get Gabi ready for some pictures and trying to get her into a more silly mood talking

an joking with her like only a big sister can....I like the candid shots of models cause it shows more of the

personality side....


The second shot is a posed shot for her portfolio...Joking around,do this, try that,a lot went into getting this one

shot....But i want her to have a large range of looks and a lot of diversity in her portfolio...This second one also

reflects her personality......


Other models i have shot with have not been able to pull off looks that have character to them....And thats partly

because no one works with them on it....I am working on shooting with just your average every day person and

getting some of that emotion but its not as easy as one might think......So if you have a LOT of emotion filled images

of people consider yourself LUCKY....If you dont but you want it in your portfolio...Start soon as you may find it rather

challenging to get THAT shot thats portfolio worthy.....


All my images shot with Pentax ist...These ones,available light....


Funniest thing EVER...Someone had a shot of a couple having a heated arguement in a restaurant lol....If i

remember correctly one shot she had slammed her fist an a french fry went flying,something like that...I was just like

omg you see a couple fighting so you start shooting lol that takes some balls lol!!!! And in a restaruant.....I bet the

photog didnt use a fill lol!!!....THAT would be hystrical...they're all fighting an heres this bbbbsssshhhhh of a


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Interesting Erik and I agree its hard to capture that emotion, the one to make you remember, such as the infamous Nat Geo cover of the Afghan girl from the 80s... I don't shoot people but of the photos I do, this one below is one of my favorites. Taken at our home back in India, these kids were helping their parents during the harvest and just loved to pose for the camera. Click on the image if you want to see it larger or other "India" images. <br>

Thanks <br>

<a href=" Boys title="Imported Photos 00680 by Shaloot, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3138/2574385188_f91c499379.jpg" width="500" height="334" alt="Imported Photos 00680" /></a>

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For me it's much, much more than being there at the right time and having your camera ready Eric.

You have to establish a relationship with your subjects, make them feel comfortable and confident and

more. I have made lots of photos of "people in emotion" but did and can not show most of them here for

copyright reasons.

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Markus, that's an awesome shoot. I think you win in the emotion category. Here's my boy with an exaggerated

smile. Shot with my Nikon D1x sniffle. <p><center><a

href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/blackfist2k2/2393526379/" title="My Kids - Joshua by Mr. Gosh Darn Wonderful,

on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3166/2393526379_df0cd64b5f.jpg" width="326" height="500"

alt="My Kids - Joshua" /></a></center>

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@Jonathan...Thanks i usually dont get past this forum..Its like the rest of the site does not exist lol....


@Rose...I see your point but that really cant be cropped and keep the aspect ratio for printing...In keeping the aspect ratio i'd lose too much on the image as close as their heads are to the sides of the image....See what i mean?


Attached...If it displays....Low res file of Indiera....I have no idea now what i said to make her laugh...We had a blast shooting that day....<div>00RKVs-83791584.thumb.jpg.2fc43a7ef9f30cb66c7482f7b5bff822.jpg</div>

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