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Better to buy one newer lens or two older ones?

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Just got my M6ttl and need to purchase a lens. Is it better to get

one lens ie (35/1.4 asph) or two older lens (35/1.4 and 90/2.8).

Being a professional musician, I shoot in a lot of low light

situations, so I need the faster lens, but am unsure (even after

reading all the reviews I can find) which way to go. Any advice??

Also, is gray market advisable to save a few dollars?

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Have you checked out www.kbcamera.com or www.deltainternational.com? I think gray market would be OK, just examine the stuff when you get it. I've bought US items here from generally accepted dealers, only to return them for defects. I've read from forum members about positive experiences from either KB or Delta. I'll be buying my 24 mm from one of them. If you shoot low light, longer focal lengths need speed, maybe save for the 75 lux and get the 35 1.4 lux asph now? Maybe that's what I'd do, or put some 200 speed film in. Decisions decisions.
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If you are not a perfectionist or pro, I think used will do you just fine. I recently picked up an like new 50/2 w/ a filter for about $600, a decent (but not fantastic) save I think.


Furthermore, I've sucessfully bought new lenses from auth. dealers in HK, I can give you a source I used and I was very happy with if you contact me offline.



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I got my 35 Summilux ASPH from a Hong Kong dealer whom I'd

highly recommend. No regrets whatsoever.


My advice is to get the ASPH version of the 35 Summilux, even if

you have to wait a few months to swing the purchase of a 90.

That's basically what I did: bought the M6 body with a 35

Summilux, then six weeks later I found a gently used thin 90

TeleElmarit for $350. Such good deals are out there, just be

patient. Trust me on this.


I should add that I love my M6 35/90 lens combo. Carried in a

Domke F803 satchel, it's the perfect kit for traveling light and

easy, especially with the low-profile TeleElmarit 90. I've recently

added a Vogtlander Cosina 15mm Heliar to the mix, partly for the

novelty but mostly because I'm moving to Egypt at the end of the

summer. I figure there are few places in the world that warrant

the use of an ultra-wide than the Valley of the Kings.


Now I've got to figure out if I really want that 50

Summicron...maybe on a second body, hmmm. Be careful: it

seems there's always something else to buy!

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I will not weigh in on which lens, but faster is better. The trade-off is shallower depth of field. Only you can decide what to purchase, but I buy used or gray on lenses and US Passport on bodies. If a lens is good out of the box, it probably will not go bad. I have a 90 Summicron that needs work after 30 years of use. The 35/1.4 would be a good lens for in close. I would not choose a 90/2.8 for a second lens, but possibly the 90/2.0 or 75/1.4.

Your choice, but enjoy and share some with us.

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one common tendency is that many of us end up buying extra lenses any way. there is no rush, so get on good lens, use it and get comfortable with it and then figure out what you want to get next. in my case my 90 f2.8 does not get used that much, however i am always glad i have it.



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In this case i would take the asph, for a nice tele u can shop around another time. By the way, the 90mm elmarit isnt that great for concerts, a 135mm would be more practical and cheaper. Dont buy anything in a rush though. If you really need a lens fast buy a 50 or 35 cron(still superb fast lenses!), cant do much damage there. The grey market is not advisable if you are not experienced with photo-equipment.
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For low-light situations, the lower contrast of older lenses can actually be a benefit in that it helps to preserve some shadow detail. None of my Leitz glass is younger than 20 years old, and a few lenses are more than twice that age; it's quite rare that I encounter a situation where a newer lens would make an appreciably better image.<P>

Shot below was with a '59 50 Summilux.<P>

<img src="http://mikedixonphotography.com/uptownmix02.jpg">

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