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In praise of EXIF (noob-alert!)


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Like so many people who post to this forum I've been wrestling with ye age olde conundrum - what lens to buy to

replace the 18-55 Canon kit offering.


I've no idea how many trees were felled to facilitate the numerous feeds I printed. it's probably an obscene

amount. But today I made an effort to download a free EXIF analysis tool from

http://members.nbci.com/mkowalski.1/ and got down to work.


In no time at all I determined my ideal focal length, the percentage of accurately composed shots vs those I was

too lazy or too chicken to compose properly; and the average aperture and speed used in daylight and at night.


This all contrasted sharply with my own review of my work where I determined I needed a 28-70+/f4 zoom.


The reality is: an 18-55/2.8 or thereabouts is what I should be looking at buying.


Now it's down to money and with around $400 to spare I know what I can afford that will best meet my needs - and

I don't have to nag the regulars on this forum about what is by now a nauseating topic - aaak barf!


I'd also recommend to all newbie / semi-advanced photographers that they take the same route. Not only will you

get pleasure from having actually resolved this issue on yer own but you will also have learnt more about

photography (hopefully your own as well) and that's why we all come to photo.net after all.


So does anyone have a Tamron 17-50/2.8 that's going "cheap" like a budgie?

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I have the 17-35 2.8 and 28-75 2.8 from Tamron which is the full frame version of the lens you're talking about. I believe they are all in the same "league". These lenses are excellent for the money. Yes a $1,000 Canon L lens will probably perform a bit better on AF accuracy/speed, sharpness and feel. And while I do prefer my L lenses I have no complaints about my Tammy's. I think you'll be very happy with it.


There are thousands of posts reviewing that lens here. Do a search. And check photozone.de



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Hi Bob, thanks for the link - I checked it out and I can say I'm pretty much sold on it. The 2.8 aperture just makes so much sense from a practical point of view it can't be ignored.


In time, and with more money, I will probably buy the Tammy 90/2.8 telephoto, partly because my girlfriend complained about the 18-55 kit lens' focal length and partly because, well, I want one too ;-)

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I'm hardly a noob, but I too am harvesting EXIF data for the first time, since I got a 5D in August. It's incredibly useful. It's wonderful to be able to see how I'm using my equipment -- both to choose new equipment, and to identify and correct problems with my photography.


Russel, I assume you mean the Tamron 90/2.8 Macro -- I have an old manual focus version of that lens that I still use. It's a superb performer, and absolutely a bargain, you won't be disappointed.

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Hi Alan, yes I do, for the occasional candid. Performance and price wise the 90/2.8 Macro works for me. And because it works on a full-frame camera it's future-proof, allowing me to keep it when I upgrade my 300D in a couple of years.


Yeah, I was also pleasantly surprised by the EXIF data. My head was saying one thing but the figures said something else entirely. I've some interesting photography goals now.


Roger, glad to hear another vote for the 17-50/2.8.

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I've tried the exif analyzer and like it a lot! I was already in doubt about my current lens combo, and the focal length statistics clearly show that the best part of my current lens is used very little, whereas I use it a lot at the tele-end. Makes me reconsider selling my current lens and getting one which better suits my needs.
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