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POW Masterpiece of the Week 2008-10-19


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Ok, going with the theory "Better late than never" - I FINALLY get to sit down & toss a couple contributions in. Amazing

how I'm always doing this at bedtime.


I swear I'm going to have to blog - because the stories are just fun, but I did 2581 miles (exactly. no rounding) in 73

hours last week. My weekend feels 6 days long. Been back since Friday morning, and it barely registered I had a kid to

get to school this morning! I honestly almost forgot!


Anyway - 1 pit stop was in Lamona, Iowa. An itty bitty town just barely inside the south border. Took this one - WITH

PERMISSION - and really wanted to try more angles and stuff, but the poor girl was so flustered I couldn't stand to stay

there and just make her uncomfortable. I should have taken the pic when she was reading in the buggy, but she was

just so darn embarrassed, it made me embarrassed.<div>00REUR-81071584.jpg.35b55c8a82c271e8397cb0223f7f14f1.jpg</div>

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Garry - what was I doing up at 3:15? Well, it was 2:15am my time, and I was waking up in the recliner for the 3rd time.

Fell asleep goofing off & waiting for our girls to go to sleep. I really like the colors in the track shot, but then I got down

to the family portrait.


Now that I've slept a couple times - and at almost normal hours even - I can look at the pic w/o crying from laughing so

hard. It's not that your family is anything other than cute... I never ever pictured you THAT tall!!! I have many many

friends well over 6ft, but with your kids & your wife so far down there, and the top of the elevator door right there.... and

then I remembered the wedding post..... I started laughing so hard. It's a great shot. Ya'll should put that on your wall


Hin - your eye continues to amaze me.


Haig - the church shot is a stunner. Wow on the composition and the light & the shadows....


Sommana - I'm pretty sure photogs are forgiven for not thinking so much about the camera when on honeymoon! ;-)

I'm pretty sure Matthew is just the only weird guy in the world that would spend 40% of our honeymoon taking night

exposures. In the middle of winter.


This is also in Lamona, IA. At the old train depot, now an office building or park building or something. Frankly, in the

rain, I didn't care to investigate that closely. I wanted the shots, not the building.

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I don't remember who posted this general shot originally - but obviously I liked that way of looking at rings. Thank you for

the idea! I would have liked it if there wasn't a building at both ends of the rings, but at least I thought to play around w/ my

DOF so I'd have one shot w/o the building being nearly tack sharp.<div>00REUp-81075584.jpg.45d3bd2a75a2d02a428454ac1861eca3.jpg</div>

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Somanna, Some very good shots and the first one is worthy of a frame. I'm glad to hear you didn't take many pictures and had your mind on something else!


Michael. The shot works. I never would have though of shooting this but it's cool how the water is in various states in the image (mist, drops etc)


Dave R, This is excellent. The intense colour and odd wall hangings just grab your attention. Would make a very good B&W as well I bet but probably best as is. What caught me was the colour but the thing that holds your attention is the textures of the 3 very different surfaces.


Roger, the first shot is cool. I like it! The second seems to have a WB issue and things are too blue but a fun shot anyway. That is one big FW! I hate them and it's the only thing that makes me motion sick (and I've sailed across the Atlantic plus spent most of my life on the ocean in some form). The FE shot is cool.


Duane, I'm really impressed with the Bigma shots and this one is probably the best of the series you've posted. It's sharp with great colour and background control. Excellent for what is generally a slower lens.


Nick I like the first shot and the garage wall shot. Don't know why but the last one is oddly compelling.


Ronny, I like the 2 shots but maybe it's site resizing or a bit too much sharpening was done to these. I think they would look better if they were softer.


Hin, you always have an eye for a unique shot. Stuff I''d never trn the camera on for. I really like the first 2 images. Although I usually can't take selective colour B&W shots. This one is very good.


Very nice shot Rose. Got more from the woods?


Adam, very nice shot. I might do a little WB adjusting and add some contrast but this is very well exposed and I like the angle you used.


Maria, the shots are all very good. My favourite is the basket seller although the busted bench is very compelling on it's own. Where's Matt these days. Has his little "forced vacation" soured him on PN?

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Oh, that reminds me to say -


Roger: the fisheye is coolness on that building. wild.


Nick: I agree, I don't know what is about the garage wall, but I like it a lot, too.


Rose: good job w/ the reflection. Did you take one horizontal?


Nick: Thanks. The bench had the contrast cranked all the way up. Hard to get any contrast w/ the clouds as thick as

they were - casting all the light everywhere. Good thing I grabbed the DA*, it was actively raining by the time I got to the

bench & playground!


No, matt's not soured on PN. Few circumstances all collided. The Internet Nazi's @ his work have pretty much blocked

p-net. Funny thing is, I don't think it's even everyday, but it could be by now. Since I've been back in town, he hasn't

gotten out of bed from being sick. (drugged himself up and dragged himself in today) AND he's actually been running

overtime up there - 10+ hour days & even a couple mandatory saturdays. Kind of weird for a Catia operator, not

somebody on the assembly line.


AND to top it off (literally!), he's been replacing our roof since..... jimminie, I can't remember when this started! But, w/

as irritating roof as we have (stupid hips & 2 layers of shingles) he's been working on it w/ only his dad for help most

days. That means 10hrs @ work, then on the roof until past dark - which comes a lot sooner than when the roof was

started! Then up there all day on saturday & even a couple hours on sundays. And this doesn't even count the days he

had to take an early lunch & RUN home to stop some rain leakage/blowing in (good thing I'm here all day now)! Good

news is, I think there's only a little trim work left. Finally. YAY!!

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Maria, I did take a horizontal view - but I liked the portrait version more. I didn't PP the H view yet - but I'll work on it tonight, to show the 'why'.


Maria - I'm liking the Rings. what lens were you doing the DOF test with?


Peter, I took a lot of pictures in the woods, and will be heading back there next weekend - if the weather proves to be as generous. ( I'm going to have to take Markus' lesson to heart - and change my ISO more regularly). :)


Adam, seems like you've found yourself a good spot. I wish I had a waterfall near me.

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Thanks Maria and Peter - I have a hard time explaining why I like that garage wall shot. It was the last, to use up a roll, and yet it seems by far the best. So it goes!


I think, Maria, that you are recalling a ring shot I posted a while ago. And I am flattered you would recall it! I had background trouble too. It is a neat exercise in DOF. (I think mine was a 50 1.7)


Didn't you post some "working on the roof" shots months ago? Poor Matt! :-)<div>00REs9-81267684.jpg.03161dd7376870eb3538baf76e587826.jpg</div>

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What a wonderful set of photos in this thread! Thanks to Christopher, Haig, Peter, Somanna, Dave, Duane, Garry,

Javier and all of you for appreciating my work. I am delighted! I am very new to photography and I am amazed by the

quality of all the photos posted here. Not sure how to judge any particular shot. All of them are unique in their own



Just happy to be here :-)

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@ Maria "Matt has a question for you. He heard something on the radio, and wants to verify it. Is Big Tex saying "howdy" A N D "hola" this year?"


Maria I didn't hear an hola from Tex, but was not around him that long. I was more interested in the car show, midway photo ops and the photo competition, not to mention shaking my head at the food offerings; the fair proves there's no food on the planet that can't be battered and deep fried. So I can't deny nor confirm the hola, but it would not surprise me a bit, we're pretty bilingual these days and that is a trend that will keep growing.

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Thanks everyone for all the comments.. As you might suspect, I really enjoyed my trip to Asutralia, I will post a few pictures in a separate post later.<p>

Somanna: Welcome.. you can always use 'p' instead of 'br' if you want to make it a larger break. As for the photos, I can see why you have the first on your desktop :-). But I do love the fire shot! And having few photos is no excuse just because you were on a honeymoon! sheesh! <br>

Michael S: I think the action of the water is sort of the focus of the shot.. I would have tried to include more of the water spouting off the top.. Nice shot anyways :-) <br>

Dave R: Unusual pieces .. but it was a good photo op. Good colours and interesting subjects. <br>

Roger: The fisheye is pretty neat.. and I like the night shot of the ride even with the distracting building in front. <br>

Duane: The second photo is not as impressive.. it's just a silly powerboat! lol. I must say, those are 2 great shots you got with that lens.. Love the results! <br>

Nick: are we not worthy of a whole leaf? I like your garage shot as well.. probably because it's a bit like comfort food.. familiar objects in their natural envirnment.. I like your first ring shot better methinks :-) <br>

Ronny: I like your second shot a tad better, even tho you might be able to ps the first one into a better look.<br>

Hin: Always innovative.. The first bw is a good one.. I might have cropped a bit more.. The cyclamens are really pretty.. Nice! <br>

Rose: Nice reflections by the way.. I looked at your other post as well. It's missing something tho..nary a puddytat in sight? <br>

Adam: Good waterfall.. I would maybe add a bit of warmth to the photo. <br>

Maria: Your basketseller is awesome.. Really like that shot. Also the rings are very good..<br>

Subho: Nice colors.

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