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Nikon FM camera

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It's just the mirror bumper foam. It can be replaced by a repairer for a few dollars. There is no risk of a light leak from this foam deteriorating. However, the foam on the camera back is probably also deteriorated, and that can cause a light leak. Any decent repairer can easily fix this.
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I've replaced the mirror foam and rear light seals on quite a few cameras, including several FM's, using the kits from Jon Goodman.


Jon can be found on the auction sight under "Interslice". For about $10 you get enough material for several cameras, detailed instructions and even a wooden tool to help in removing the old foam.


This is not a difficult project if you have patience and a bit of dexterity.

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Jeff, thanks for reassuring me that their may not be any light leaks; Louis, thank you for the how to instructions; Richard, I will contact Jon Goodman for the kit, and Richard O, thanks for your endorsement of Jon Goodman.

I bought both the FM and a FE cameras at the same time, and the FM has never given me any trouble. However, the FE, from the moment I bought it, I had trouble with it. I had to send it to Nikon three times before they found out the camera had to have a new shutter system.

Now it sits in my camera closet broken, no parts are available for it.

Again, thank you for your help.

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