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Epson Stylus Pro 3800 problems

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I am using an EPSON Stylus Pro 3800 for printing in my studio.

It is driven by a windows based computer (dual core processor) with a hugely strong graphics card and 3 gig RAM

etc etc.

For the life of me, I do not get consistent results with my printer and it is driving me crazy.

I calibrated my whole system using an i1 colorimeter and it the NEC Multisync 2490WUXi screen is matched to the


I generally prefer to set my control panel to ICM perceptual but I am now getting washed out blacks and my low

tones are bathed in over-dark, giving me dead looking colour.


Any suggestions?

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Hi Asher,


This is a common occurrence when running these types of printers without a RIP (Raster Image Processor).

One of the reasons to purchase a rip is consistency and repeatability. You will also get full control over your blacks.

ColorBurst makes great rip's that can handle this problem.


The second issue is that a colorimeter will only calibrate your monitor. Your printer is left out of the loop. Since its not calibrated, anything you see

on the monitor is only a ball pard estimate of the printers space. Without a profiled printer, you will have trouble hitting the mark. There are many

packages available but the i1 systems lead the pack.


Please email me if you need any assistance in choosing solutions for your studio.


-Ian Mazursky

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First, run a nozzle clean and check. Be aware that the nozzle-cleaning utility will only work on the currently selected black nozzle--you can run it on Photo Black and the results with Matte Black will still be questionable, and vice versa. Second, if you're working within PS, decide whether you're letting PS manage the colors or the printer--if the former, you'll have to turn off color management in the printer driver. Third, there are lots more arcane possibilities and I'd wait around for someone smarter than me to bring them up here. If you don't get relief here, Yahoo groups has an epson_printer group with very knowledgeable people.
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"..This is a common occurrence when running these types of printers without a RIP (Raster Image Processor).."


"..Without a profiled printer, you will have trouble hitting the mark..."


Obviously it seem that Ian doestn really know the 3800, no offence.


? if the OP know how to print, and what setting to use, he would get always the same consistent print every day, month after month..getting a RIP will just be money easily spend for nothing, and there is not much to gain if you print on epson paper with the epson ink using there canned profile that are excellent with the 3800 and up printer. You could get a bit, just a bit better shadow, and a sligthly warm print..but nothing to make you spend 1000$ more to get custom profile.


1_from what application you print


2_what are your color setting in that application


3_what are the icc profile you use to print on what paper


4_epson ink and paper?


5_do you turn off color management or icm in the epson driver?


I will say that 9 otu of 10, when people gte bad result from there 3800, its a user error..sometime as small as just not selecting the rigth icc proifle in photoshop.


let us know more please about how you print.

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I am printing (up to now) not from CS3 but from Lightroom. I am in the process of moving from PC to Mac but let's

leave that aside for now ad focus on PC pritning with my 3800 which is my current reality..

To set up my printer in my studeio, I did as follows: I used my i1 LT and calibrated my screen, then printed a test

sheet and used the i1 to rea the colour test sheet report. Good so far?

I am using Photoblack and printing mostly on HP gloss paper.

The settings in my print setup are as follows:

ICM Host

Intent: Perceptual

Printer profile: Epson standard

Quality 1440 dpi

The settings defaults to Pro38 PGPP in the "Printer Profile Description"


Admittedly, I have not measured the thickness of the paper etc.


I am not sure where to go to get the information about the printer's drivers to check whether or not I have double

commanded the profiles. Perhaps you could walk me through this.


Now then-when printin in CS3, I find SO MANY choices, it is very complicated. Perhaps you could break that down

for me too i.e. simplest technique of printing in CS3 to achive maximal results


Many thanks to you all.



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Why would you print with paper from HP on a Epson printer? My 3800 with Epson paper and the correct Epson icc profile, for that paper, the very first print I made, right out of the box, was spot on. This was with a calibrated monitor.

Sorry, But it seems that your making this much more complicated than it has to be.

Patrick has a Epson 3800 how to print, tutorial on line, follow that, it should help solve your problems.

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