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Bowens Monolights and using Canon Speedlight 580


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Recently I have been working using Bowens (750 W) monolights outdoors and on location, however sometimes I

require a smaller light sources to fit in tight spaces, in which the monolights would not fit in.


I tried to create such setup using the monolights, a Canon 580 Flash and the Canon wireless trigger ST-E2. My aim

was to trigger the flash using the ST-E2 and also the bowens using sync cable, however setup did not work out.

Canon Flash triggered and even the bowens monolights triggered, however the flash output from the monolights did

not register in camera. To me it seems that there is a delay between the synchronization of both light sources.


Could this be and why? Is there an alternative?


Was shooting manual mode in camera. Canon flash was set to slave manual mode.

Camera settings F11 and 1/200 Sec

EQUIPMENT - Bowens Monolights Espirit 750 Watts/sec + 2 Canon Speedlights + ST-E2 Infrared transmitter.



My question is - Can I capture such setup shots using manual mode, having 2 monolights and a canon 580 firing

together at the same instant?


Would you recommend other equipment or techniques?

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i can't speak for Canon equipment but 99% of the time, the problem is related to some sort of pre-flash that camera (pop-up or trigger) or small speedlight puts out to measure the the light just before the camera opens the shutter. that preflash triggers the monolights but the shutter isn't open yet resulting in black.


my suggestion would be to do closer reading/experimentation w/ the full manual setting of the 580 and/or ST-E2

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Thanks for the feedback you have provided...its greatly appreciated...


Howard M - I have tried Manual however system still did not work... Buy trail and error, I was covering the ST-E2 with my hands whilst triggering the camera shutter and was able to eliminate temporarily the pre-flash.

Having said so, however do you know of any equipment which I could purchase to make system more reliable when working ?


Magic-eye on Bowens ---- sorry but I have not understood you..please could u explain..... what is it?


Mark - I have went through the last link, and will be trying out covering the contacts and see how it goes...

Are there any other lighting systems for such tight places... i mean u may know or have experience with ? (when in need of a small light source preferable flash) ... i mean something i could purchase, which make system more reliable perhaps?


Will go through the other very soon, however I wanted to reply and say thanks before going any further..


Thanks once again for your time and help all of you.

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