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the snake and the toad...

a few images

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So is the snake exploding, or the toad?


and ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew! I don't care if they only eat toads and not me.... i HATE snakes. Spiders, ick and

all, but snakes?!?!?!? NO freakin way!


I'll leave ya'll brave hiker men to get shots like this. I'd be outta there!

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The toad snack was about 30 minutes or so. The blood is coming from the toad no doubt. And, I did not stick around to watch the toad slip away into it's mouth for a very important reason. The whole time I was there witnessing this I was completely stressing out the snake and the snake started to move more and, I felt that was a sign that the snake might regurgitate the toad to bolt. That would have been bad for the snake as well as the toad so, I had seen enough and I think from those photos you can see what the end result was..


FYI: That was a garter snake!!!!

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