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Nikon 8000ED thumbnail preview question

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I just got myself a Nikon CoolScan 8000ED film scanner and was working on scanning some unmounted 120 film. I've

had plenty of experience with this scanner and ones similar, but never was presented with this problem. When I

clicked on the thumbnail preview button in the Nikon Scan software, it was obvious that each frame was not

centered in the small thumbnail window, and were all slightly off center. My first thought was that irregular

spacing between frames caused the alignment to be off (due to an accidentally loose spool when loaded). My

second thought was that the hardly discernible frame edges (due to shots on a black background) could have caused

preview to be off, and therefore the thumbnails. Has any had prior experience with this? Any thoughts? Lastly,

is there a way to preview the entire strip and then crop from the whole strip to counter this problem, or can you

only preview and then scan via the thumbnail view? Thanks for your help ahead of time.

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It could be two things:


1) Make sure the correct frame size is set in NikonScan in the upper left hand corner.


2) If the frame is off slightly, use the Offset Adjustment in the control panel (I believe that is the title, I don't have the software open right now), adjust it a few left or right then hit refresh and that should update the thumbnails to let you know if you're moving in the right direction. This step should be performed only if the correct frame size is set as I mentioned in #1 above.


I am not aware of any way of scanning the entire strip of film, max seems to be 6x9.


Kind regards,


Derek Jecxz



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