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Graflex 4x5 w/Roll Film back

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Back in 1988 or so when I first bought this Speed Graphic I still had access to a dark room and I thought I'd have

time to get into it. I was wrong. The hour ride back to the darkroom just didn't happen. I was too busy and I got

busier. So I did manage to load one holder with sheet film and made two shots and developed them.

I even contact printed one of them. That was that for the next ...what ....20 years!!

Initially I was ignorant. I thought (until recently) that if I wanted to use 120 Roll film on the 4x5 I'd need a different

lens. Gee was I naive!! I now know that this will work.. only the 4x5/120 roll film back had long seperated itself by two

moves, one wife and two children.

So here out of the Rip van Winkle sleep. I now realize I can shoot the 4x5/127 Ektar using 6x9 roll film. I don't need

to mount a proper lens for 120. I do need to do some more work on the finder.. the bakelite parallax adjustment on

the finder broke in transit. :(

I managed these shots in July and I'm using equally vintage D76 1:1 on Ilford FP4 +

....Stay Tuned ....more to come!<div>00Qwmq-72911684.jpg.8fc8850adfda50b0a8f4b65782de6b7c.jpg</div>

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Very nice camera there Chuck and you got some nice pictures too. I have one just like it but my 127mm Ektar is in need of a CLA, slow speeds very sluggish. I'm waiting my turn as the technician is really busy. Cannot wait to take this baby out for a spin. cheers
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Thanks to everybody for the support


Mihai .. looking forward to it ...your b&w is tip-top


Steve .. 4x5 P&S that's how I used mine!!


Dave ..this is a great lens and in good condition


SG .. You know these things quite well Thanks


John-- thanks for the kind words.. your posts are killer!!


Russ .. thanks for writing. Paul Klee taught at this school


Rick.. a real time warp could be 1944-5 same kind of brown blacks too..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Steve, I have a 90mm Angulon lens on a Graflex board, have been thinking the same thing. ;-)


Would like to have a 6x12cm back, but probably cheaper to just cut it from a 4x5 sheet, or I have some old friends who tell me they used to cut a slide to shoot the top then the bottom half.




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