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Photo Quality


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Actually Tim, even when printing it would depend on the mechanism used to print. A lot of software and hardware that is used to print ignores the dpi rating of the file completely. All it wants to know is the output size requested, and it fits the pixels into that size, essentially altering the file's dpi on the fly. It doesn't matter if the file is 72 dpi or 300 dpi, it comes out the same. That said, there are some programs that accept the dpi indicator and print that size unless you tell it to do otherwise.


I still say it's mostly a meaningless number.

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In the ACR raw converter, click on the blue and underlined text at the bottom center of the ACR screen and change the parameters as needed. ACR will recall the last set parameters when it is started.


In Photoshop, under Edit, Preferences, Units & Rulers, set your Print Resolution and Screen Resolution as required by you output and monitor. If done correctly, PS will display your images at actual print size of your output when you select View, Print Size.

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I work as a graphic designer and for my files to be printed they have to be at 300dpi or there abouts! I've never heard of a printed changing the dpi for the size of the print it must loose quality! Thamks for the info guys, i'll have a look in my prefrences and if nothinf turns up then i'll just do it the old fashioned way.



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