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Any Interest In A Competition

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Howdy Guys, In an attempt to get this new Photo.Net LF group a little

shot in the butt; what do you guys and gals think of a little

competition with the fireworks theme? Scanning these after processing

the 'chromes' , hopefully no stinkin' photoshop, posting them and

having a small group of our peers judge these... I'd be willing to

send in a $5 or 10 USD non-refundable 'entry' fee, to be used to lets

say buy a gift certificate from someplace like B&H or Badger for the

photo extraordinaire. Maybe one of the long time contributors or one

of the nice photogs that hosts the west coast 'free' workshops would

like to help??? Any nibbles???????



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If people are interested I can provide a URL + server space if I receive images ready to post as .jpegs in a given size (to be pre-determined)!


Instead of everyone posting these images all over photo.net the images could be displayed in close proximity to each other, barring the need to go searching...



Let me know!

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Hi Miles,


I hope it doesn't bother you for me to point this out, but there's a

key just above the left "Shift" key on your keyboard. Each time you

press it a little light goes on or off. You want that light _off_ if

you want the headers on the threads you post to match all of the

others on this site's main page (right now your two posts jump out at

the reader in a rather offputting manner).


I'm not into competitions, but I wish you luck with your endeavor.

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Hi Miles,


I like your idea of a competition, though I don't take fireworks photographs.


But you know, Terry is right. All caps are hard to read. Do this experiment: take a line of text in lower case and put a card over the lower half. Now try to read it. Then do the same with a line in all caps. You will quickly see how much more difficult it is to read. It's just a human brain thing along with the amount of information contained in each letter. There is more information in the lower case letters, more hints to tell you what is there. People who do a lot of reading will notice in an instant how much harder it is to plow through all caps, and those are the people likely to complain the loudest when they encounter all caps. Do you ever scan ebay auctions? Next time you do, pay attention to how much more difficult it is to read the all-caps ads, that people erroneously think are drawing more attention than the lower case ads.


It's a "netiquette" thing. A small thing that makes it a little bit easier on your readers, like using paragraph breaks, punctuation, and everything else that most people already do.


Good luck with the competition.

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The problem that I see with any sort of "competition" on the net is that there isn't the requisite fine detail afforded the image to make it a meaningful event. A print in the hand, and a chrome scanned and loaded onto the net are not even close. There would be no comparison. Most LF shooters got into LF because of the greater detail LF has to offer. And this subtle detail doesn't show up on the screen. So who is to say that it is a 4x5 or 8x10 or just a shopped 35mm? I wouldn't participate because I don't believe in competition between images. Each is unique unto itself.
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Miles - Terry has a perfectly valid point - there is no need to get insulting and abusive. All uppercase has been frowned on since day-one of the internet as it is difficult to read and looks like the author is "shouting" to draw attention to themselves - even if that was not the intent.
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