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Tachihara questions


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I'm considering purchasing a 4x5 Tachihara (saving the money for the glass), and I have some questions. I would certainly appreciate help with this.




1. Perhaps more important than the Tachihara is the fact that I would like to use the Schneider 90mm XL lens. Will this reportedly huge lens fit on this reportedly small camera and be well supported?




2. Can the Quickload holder be used with the Tachihara? If so, how well and easily?




3. Supposing the above pieces of equipment are compatible, would there be any reason not to use them with this camera?




Again, I appreciate any tips, tricks, techniques, or Canham DLC donations that you can offer here. As you can tell, my budget is not what I would like it to be, but I will do what I can.





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Matthew, You may also want to consider the Shen-Hao HZX-IIA, which is the

same price as the Tachi, a bit heavier (and more stable) and has

interchangable bellows, so you can actually use the movements that the XL

allows. Even with the bag bellows, I suspect that the 90 may well be overkill--If

you really need LOTS of movement with this lens, you are best off with a


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Matthew, talk to Jeff at Badgergraphic.com You may need to look up

his phone number on that website. He sells both, the Tachi and the

Shen Hao. The Shen Hao is about two pounds heavier than the Tachi,

but if you are using a 90XL, weight doesn't seem to be a concern

here. Both cameras are the same price at Badger. Both will take the

90XL and the Quickload holder. The bag bellows on the Shen Hao will

make make life easier with that huge lens.

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Hi, Matthew




I can only contribute to question 2. I use the Kodak and Polaroid

quick/ready loaders without a problem in my Tachihara. I seriously

doubt there would be a problem with the Quickload holder.




The Tachihara is my first large format camera, but I've been very

happy with it. The only thing I would wish for is geared tilt

movements. I suspect such a feature is available but only on the

higher priced field cameras.




Good luck!





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Matthew: I recently obtained the new Kodak holder, which seems to

work quite well. On a recent trip I was in a precarious position on

some rocks and used it for one exposure with a later generation

Tachihara instead of the Canham I used for everything else that day.

I thought at the time I put the holder into the back that it didn't

seat with much authority and could be easily pulled out. The

slightest tug, without relieving pressure on the back, and the holder

would slide out. That one exposure had the only light leak of the

trip. At least on my camera, is was necessary to widen the light

trap slot on the camera (150 grit sandpaper) to get the ridge on the

readyloader to go all the way down and the holder flat against the

camera. I don't know if my camera is slightly out of spec or what

the problem is, but I did have to make this fix. It seems to fit

everything else I own without a problem.

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Given the choice of the 90mm XL, it sounds like you are going to be

photographing architecture. If that is true, another possible

advantage of the Shen Hao is that it offers more extensive back

movements (swings, tilts, rise) than the Tachiahara. If not

architecture, I am curious why you would choose the XL over other

more compact 90mm lenses.




Another potential advantage of the Shen Hao is that it offers more

bellows extension than the Shen Hao, enabling use of a 300mm normal

design lens. I do not have a Shen Hao, but if I ever decide to pick

up a field camera I would be very interested in checking that camera


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Wow. I've been keeping up with the forum for some months now and

still I'm very impressed with (and grateful for) these quick and

helpful replies. Thank you very much.




It really sounds as though you all have a better idea of what I need

than I do so I'll share with you what I hope to get out of the gear I





My style of working is different from that of "landscapers." I tend

to stay in one general location, such as a few city blocks, and make

different types of images of the same area. I work mainly in urban

areas and only rarely in the field, and I like to leave the camera on

the tripod and move a short distance between subjects.




The thing is, I may lift and move the camera/tripod many times over

the course of a few hours. This isn't so bad with my Nikon, but is a

major hassle with the heavy monorail that I'm currently borrowing.




I'd like to buy a 4x5 that will feel more like the Nikon than the

Linhof. I like the listed weight of the Tachihara (and the Canham),

which is why I mentioned it.




I do photograph architecture sometimes, so basic movements (mainly

front rise) would be helpful. You've got me thinking that I may be

able to get by with a smaller lens. I'll look into that, as well as

the Shen Hao.




Given that this style of working is a bit different from that of many

LF photographers (who may pack up between images), would you be able

to offer further advice on equipment?




Again, thank you very much for the above answers and ideas.

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Matthew, the further elaboration of your need to move the camera and

tripod around the location does not change any of the

recommendations, so far. your only problem seems to be with the

weight and bulk of the camera and tripod. A 90XL is heavy and bulky.

It has the capability of much movement with it's huge image circle.

The 90XL is better utilized when used on a monorail, as you're doing

now. Just think compact and lighter weight. You can even reduce the

weight of the tripod you use if you change to a smaller, lighter

camera outfit. You obviously need a lot of front rise. The Canham is

outstanding in that department, but price is the problem. So, either

bite the bullet and invest in the Canham you really want, bulk up so

you can lift the monorail you're now using, or hire an assistant.

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With regard to Dave's comments regarding use of a 300 mm lens on the

Tachihara, this may not really be much of a problem.




I've been using a 12" Artar on my Tachihara quite a bit lately for

landscape and scenic work, in fact I find myself using the 300mm

considerably more often than a 150mm. For this sort of work, focus

has never been a problem for me and I always have some bellows

extension left. It is rare that I find the need to focus closer than

ten feet.




The lens is front mounted on an Elgeet #3 shutter; this effectively

gives me about 40mm extra extension. One could achieve the same

result, obviously, with a short extension tube or, I imagine by

reversing a recessed lensboard. Even this may not be needed for

landscapes as the Tachihara bellows is about 330mm, if memory serves.




My point is that for the type of work common outdoors, where camera

weight can become a consideration, the bellows length of the

Tachihara doesn't necessarily present a difficulty.

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Our shooting style is actually quite similar. I have been photographing in my

neighborhood in Brooklyn for several years, carrying a Canham 5x7 (the

wooden one), I almost never pack it up between shots, it actually doesn't even

fit into the backpack I usually carry with me (I have a plastic trast bag in case

of rain). Another thought, you might want to think about a non-folding type of

field camera, Ebony has a very expensive model, but Shen-Hao also makes

one which I saw on eBay a few days ago. These are very light and have great

front rise, at the expense of short bellows. On the other hand, WA monorails

are not terribly heavy.

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Here are some things to consider. If you will be photographing

architecture, even if incidental to the other subjects of your

photographs, you might want back swing sometimes. When using a 90mm

lens, and photographing a building at an oblique angle, the far end

of the building might seem far off in the distance. You can use back

swing to help correct perspective. That might or might not be

important, and it is an advantage of the Shen Hao (at least in

theory, based on the specs).




Another 90mm lens to consider is the Nikon SW 90mm f/8.0. It is

unique among the smaller maximum aperture 90mm lenses in that it has

a large 235mm image circle. This is comparable to the image circle on

the 90mm f/4.5 Grandagon-N (and equivalent Caltar II-N), the Super

Angulon f/5.6 (non XL), the Nikon SW 90mm f/4.5, and the Fujinon SWD

f/5.6. All of these lenses are bigger and heavier than the SW 90mm

f/8.0, more expensive, and require larger 82mm filters. Their major

benefit is the wider maximum aperture, which is useful for focusing

when the light is dim. (For what its worth, I have the f/4.5

Grandagon-N and I think it is a great lens. ) The f/8.0 Nikon has an

excellent reputation. I have no personal experience with it. The 90mm

f/6.8 Grandagon-N, and the comparable Caltar II-N, offer a wider

maximum aperture than the f/8.0 Nikon, but they have a smaller image





Regarding the 90mm lens, the question you must answer for yourself is

how you want to balance the different characteristics: size and

weight, image circle, maximum aperture, and price. It is a very

personal decision. I went with the f/4.5 Grandagon-N for ease of

focusing in darker places. That feature weighed enough in my decision

calculus to outweigh the negatives of weight and large filter size. I

bought it used to save money.




From what you said about your needs, I think any of the other

available 90mm lenses are probably more appropriate for you than the

90mm XL.




Hope this helps.

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I've been using a Nikon 90/8 SW on an original (1977) model Tachihara

for many years and have been very satisfied with the performance of

both the camera and lens. A very lightweight combination, with more

movements than I usally use. The Nikon lens weighs less than half

what the 5.6 and 4.5 90's weigh, probably a third what the 90XL

weighs, and is razor sharp out to the edges. Unless you're working

indoors with natural light, it's not hard to focus.




I mention the age of my Tachihara because I know there have been

changes over the years, but the latest ones still use the Linhof

boards and have the same bellows specs, so I can't imagine you would

have any trouble using this lens on the current models.

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Many thanks, everybody. The above comments have me reconsidering my





The more I think about it, the more I realize that the weight of the

system is very important to me. I won't be filling the bellows with

helium, but I may forgo the 90mmXL. The Shen Hao sounds more

versatile than the Tachihara, but I'm not sure that the extra two

pounds are worth the hassle for me (I <i>really</i> want to keep this





Again, thanks for the help.

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