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A small 24-85mm f2.8-4 presentation

Ian Rance

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This useful lens was discussed a few posts back, but I thought you may be interested in a photo session I did a few

weeks ago to solely give this lens a work-out and see what it is capable of. It was a lovely morning, and I had the

day off, so I loaded a roll of Fuji film in the F6 and went out for a few hours. Very pleasurable it was too.


Ok, on with the 'test'.


http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/7860036-lg.jpg was brightly backlit lavender, taken at 85mm and f5.6


http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/7860037-lg.jpg lavender again, but wide open at 85mm and f4. I love the 'jewels' look of

the out of focus elements in this shot, bot I suppose you could say it was 'harsh'.


http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/7860038-lg.jpg wide open at 85mm and f4. I focussed on the bee.


http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/7860039-lg.jpg into the sun with a lens hood fitted. Was at 35mm and f8.


http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/7860040-lg.jpg was my car at 50mm and f8.


http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/7860041-lg.jpg was at 24mm and f13.


http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/7860042-lg.jpg was at 24mm and f2.8.


http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/7860043-lg.jpg was at 24mm and f16.


http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/7860044-lg.jpg was at 24mm and f2.8.


http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/7860046-lg.jpg was at 24mm and f16.


Al in all, I am very happy with this lens from Nikon. I paid 199 pounds (new) from Jessops in 2006.


Thank you for reading, Ian

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I was he one questioning the very existence of this lens in the market, a few posts ago....Ha! Ha! And I own one. Thanks a lot Ian. Very beautiful pictures, nice framing and composition. But you know this lens is nice for landscapes. The picture of the car was a refreshing change, nice and crisp. When you use this lens for portraits, closeup compositions (may be a basket of fruits, a table of food or just a bunch of people together is when it has been a bit faltering. Doesnt jump out like a 18-55 or a 28-85 2.8 lenses.....Oh wow kind of...you know what I mean..... but hey I guess thats why we pay a grand+ for these.


But it is definitely worth 200 bucks.


Thanks Ian....quite encouraging though.

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Thank you for the comments.


Yes Arun, I know that there is better glass available (like the 70-200 VR - that is just amazing) but the 24-85 is not a bad performer, just not the best. I think some ED glass would work wonders in it though and perhaps one day we will get an updated formulation of this lens (hoping).



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Many people complain about the focal range of this lens for DX use, but for me it works out perfectly: my bag contains a Tokina 12-24, this Nikon 24-85, and a Nikon 80-200. I believe the 24-85 + 80-200 give better (not to mention faster) performance than, say, an 18-200. So I'm covered with very good lenses from 12-200. (I also have the lovely Tamron 90mm for macro and a nice fast Nikon 50 f/1.4 for low light indoor shooting.


I flirt with notions of 17-55 and other venerable performers, but can't rationalize them in terms of increasing performance significantly commensurate with the significant cost increase.

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