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Exporting from Lightroom 2.0 with frame and watermark

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I am using Lightroom 2.0 and I need to export my photos I just did for a restaurant and I want to keep the nice

white border with my custom watermark (using special font) that I setup in the Slideshow module of Lightroom. I

really love how the photos look with this style and this is how I would like to deliver them to the customer.


Can someone tell me how to retain this look on the export? I tried to export as JPG instead of PDF but it still

keeps the black background - I just want the photo with frame and watermark. Is this at all possible? To show

what I mean, I am including a photo with the frame and watermark.. actually, not sure how to include a photo

without using a link to a photo - since it is not on any website. Maybe someone can show me how to do that too? ha!



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I tried a test by exporting to jpeg (left side of screen in slideshow mode.) It included the frame and text ok. You can select the quality of the picture during export. Multiple pictures are each a separate jpeg.


I'm glad you asked this question! I had wanted to do the same thing myself, but didn't want to have to deal with photoshop for it. Now I know how to do it.



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No, you all have it wrong. When I said on my attachment that I figured it out, I meant that I figured out how to attach an image to my posting. The attachment example has a black border around it. I exported the image from the Slideshow module but I do NOT want that black background border.... especially with vertical shots because the background is massive.


Is there any way to do this in Lightroom? I really do not think there is a way. So I am asking with Photoshop... I have CS3...



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You caught my interest so I played around with this and believe I have a LR solution. The black background in your picture

appears to be the "background color" in the Slideshow controls (right side of LR screen). When the box is not checked it

defaults to black, but click in the little box to the left of the words and then click in the larger box to the right of the

words. A Background Color palette will pop up and you can change the color to anything you want. If you want more of

a gradient effect in the background, uncheck the Background Color and check the Color Wash (just above in the

Backdrop section). Again, click in the box to the right of the words and you can pick any color you want. Adjust the

opacity and angle of the gradient to get the effect that best compliments your framing.


Does this answer your question? I'm still learning LR and appreciate you bringing this one up - I haven't looked in the

Slideshow section but now see it gives more options. I 'fancied up" a picture with copyright, narrow border and color

wash background, sent it to the Quick Collection and then exported as a jpeg and printed from Preview on my Mac. A

roundabout way to get a print, but it looks like what I want without having to deal with Photoshop.

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Mel => I do not want to change the background color or gradient, I want the photo exported with ONLY a border around the photo (like I have) and the watermark (like I have). I do NOT want any type of background at all.


Ray => Does this remove the background completely? So when I export the photo I only get the frame and the watermark?


I really do not think there is a way to disable the background so that you only have the white frame around the photo and the watermark.

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Ray => No, it is not removing the background for me. I still get a very light frame around the photo with some gap on the left and right sides. I have set the "Show Guides" feature off and all of the related settings to zero. It did remove the top and bottom sections, but there still exists a left and right sides of the "slide" in the slideshow. It is more prominant when you select a vertical shot!
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

To end this topic, I tried what Ray Brizzi mentioned but after speaking with him we determined that he had the "Zoom" option turned on which removes the borders for landscape shots but not for portrait, and it more importantly zooms into your shot thereby removing much of the original shot. So this does not work either.


Therefore - in conclusion, it is NOT possible in Lightroom. I am now exporting my photos into a temp folder and applying Photoshop actions to apply a frame and watermark to them the way it would be from Lightroom. This is working great - just wish this was included in Lightroom.

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