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NX2 & NikonScan


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Although the incremental improvements in NX2 are not thundering life-changing experiences, they are still good

changes and solid improvements. Selectivity is the key improvement and the selectivity is made easier in its UI.

I have lifted the shadows and calmed down the highlights and the effect is almost like a mild HDR image.


<a href="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3281/2820569616_e380830e3f_o.jpg"><img



Hasselblad 501CM; Zeiss 40mm Distagon; Fujichrome Provia; Scanned with Nikon SuperCoolscan 9000ED; edited in


<br>Click on image to see larger version

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The Distagon helps give the image some pop, but I see what you mean about the HDR effect. The tonal gradations aren't

nearly as smooth as with a well-done HDR image - how smooth is the 8-bit histogram?


Perhaps a more interesting question is: Can your German Shepherd hop the back fence if he launches off the Dogloo?

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