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what lens is needed for this


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hey guys so I'm new to this and I need to know what lens and lighting I will need to pull off shots like these

the second one is 18+ but amazing by a photog I'm sure you all know




this page I mean the bottom shot, now I know it has to be wide angle but I see no curve of line no distortion

everyone is perfectly in focus its awesome, now if I'm wrong please let me know , all advice is appreciated



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The second image from the LaChapelle site is a composite of several images as well as a meaningful amount of manipulation in post. The images from modelmayhem were also heavily processed with a lot of sharpening.


All of the images started with the sound fundamentals of precise lighting and exposure in order to get the image(s) as close as possible to what the artist intended out of the camera. While the exact lens and type of lighting contributed to the images, it wasn't the primary ingrediant in the images you referenced.


Not sure that this helps, but just my observation.





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