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Pentax b/w street photography photos and (no) words

markus maurer

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<p>Paul, it does the heart good to see that you actually make it outdoors during daylight hours, and see photos that don't seem Bar and drinking related. :) That child with the broom picture is especially poignant. I'm thinking that the man passed out in the grass has a water bottle and not some type of alcohol.<br>

But then, Markus takes a picture of a huge Bar - did you both coordinate this mix up? :)</p>


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<p>Javier, in your honour, I just went into my archives from January 2007 and dug out a photo I'd been meaning to process for a while (for over 2 years, I guess!). Taken in Seattle, where it was (surprise!) raining. I hope you like it, even if it wasn't shot with a K1000 :-)</p>

<p> </p><div>00TRIj-137019884.jpg.7066ab396b6a2971bc5ebd320738af7d.jpg</div>

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<p>Just hope to see Javier back soon. This place seems darker without Javier. He is a very dear friend of this forum and I hope to see him back soon. His presence, generosity and enthusiasm is missed ....</p>

<p>Javier did drop in a personal note to thank everyone who asks about him. And he is touched by the photos. And you all know Javier, he will missing jumping in to appreciate the photo stream.</p>


<p align="center"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2213/1702375352_17c6259110.jpg" alt="" /></p>

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<p>The closest thing I have to this would be a photograph "of" a street. I have this one photo of a saxophone player; but it is not off the contact sheet yet. Apparently, the latest trends in digital postprocessing are corrupting me. </p><div>00TRPb-137061584.jpg.ada677e7784d9963240109675a371457.jpg</div>
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<p>Sheesh Rose, that's an artistic interpretation of a street scene.. ok, ok.. she snuck up on me as I was crossing the street.. shot at 1/8 of a sec with both the subject and the photographer moving.. that's not so bad if you take all that into consideration :-) It was with the 16-45 if you absolutely have to know! I also added some intentional blurring just because :-) lol.<br>

Another partially blurry photo.. uh.. same lens methinks, Rose (in case you wanted to know)..</p><div>00TRQW-137069584.jpg.8f12e9c39b89e40cc995c8fc2cf3b18f.jpg</div>

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<p>I see no one here can keep quiet either. Pentax shooters just like to talk and don't get the "no words" concept. As for my shot, I like it because the old guy is sitting with his pipe and a bag with some books all the while listening to his iPod. I don't like it because the lens I was using failed that day and the image is soft. It was a third party 1 year old lens that just crapped out that day and needed repairs. You couldn't tell in the VF.</p>

<p>I don't want to start a debate (please don't) but I'm just going to state that in silent protest, I'm going to sit out this situation until Javier can return. Ciao for now.</p>

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<p>OK, so it's B&W, nor is it quite "Street Photography" - it was taken in a park (so mods, go ahead and delete as you see fit). But it is only 700pix long! Just thought I'd join in the fray...<br>


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<p>Let me also add...<br>

Nice work, all around... except that dog and horse thing - it hurts my eyes, too... sorry Haig - Nice concept though!<br>

It does appear things have gotten unnecessarily out of hand.</p>


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<p>Hi Doug and Justin,<br>

I kept getting an error page and managed to accidently post the same comment half a dozen times. I was able to edit out my comments, but I don't know how to (if I even can) remove my post entirely. Please take out the extra blank posts, when you get a chance.</p>

<p>Oh, and please don't ban me. ;-)</p>



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<p>Damn Mis, you and I might have been separated at birth or something. 2007 and just processed. I see you follow my philosophy shoot now, and process whenever!</p>


<p>And not just any time in 2007 Justin, but <em>January</em> . To be honest, the photo was taken with a P&S (a Pentax Optio S60), which only shoots JPEGs, so technically the photo came off the camera processed. I had also converted it to B&W back in the day, but for all this time I've been meaning to do the conversion again. This thread was a good motivation and proves that it's never too late.</p>

<p>Michael E., yeah, I walked all the way there because I'd been told the library was a cool building. It started raining maybe a minute before I reached that corner and took the photo. I had been meaning to take photos of the library, but with the rain and general dreariness they didn't come out great. I did like the lady a the cross walk, though :-)</p>

<p>Peter, even though the photo looks weird (in a different way to Haig's, ha ha), I like it, and I agree that the old guy with the earphones just <em>had to be</em> photographed.</p>

<p>Markus, you have some very strange fountains in Switzerland...</p>

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<p>haig, I had heard much good about that ol' zoom. Maybe you need more practice with taking animal pictures with it. moving animals. cats perhaps? as for trying to impress me with further blurr... I think I prefer your archetecture photos. not moving buildings. churches out in the desert. maybe a few poking cacti. FOCUS Haig. Its reallygood when you focus. ;)</p>
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