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Voïgtlander 125mm APO Macro Lens (K Mount)... how much?


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Six months ago I thought about starting macro photog and went on my search for the best lens I could afford. One

site still had 2 Voïgtlander left with the K Mount. Pretty much every forums said the Voïgtlander was one of the

best macro lens to ever touch the surface of Planet Earth, so I went for it. Paid 750$ then if memory serves.


Today I realize, I'll never use it to its full extent. A prime 125mm for studio photog, which is where I am

heading, is WAY too limiting for my needs. I rarely if ever do macro photog... and this lens has been perfectly



I want to sell it and get the 50-135mm DA* instead, which will serve me so much better.


I know it has been discontinued, but I've never sold photog equipment before, and I don't think eBAY will get the

attention this lens deserve.


Anyone know how much it would be worth now, and where's the best place to sell it? I tried Craiglist for the

50-200mm I tried to sell, and have had 4 scam attemps already, and not genuine interest.


Thank you!

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I would say photo.net classifieds or pentaxforums.com marketplace. You want potential customers who know what it is. I wouldn't be shocked if it could actually be effectively located and sold on e-bay though. You will probably need to decide what to ask before selling though. I'd say post really good pictures that illustrate its superb condition, and list it for something near what you paid for it. You can always drop the price later. Or offer it as a swap for a DA* 50-135--someone may bite.
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Aah...what a lens!


If you post it on ebay...make sure to post some (or a) picture(s) taken with it - even if a trained monkey can roll out some crisp pictures on a tripod with studio lighting, i always find it helps people along when it comes to reaching in their pockets if they know for sure they're buying one of the good ones! (I'm not sure there are many 'bad ones' of this particular lens out there - but people willing to buy with confidence is always going to push auction prices up!

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