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Stolen LF equipment. Heart broken, to say the least


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My wife and I were house sitting for a family member up in San Francisco this past weekend. Off to a great start, I photographed the Golden Gate bridge from different viewpoints, capturing some great images on 4x5 Tri-X film.




Until I woke up.




We got into our car this morning, which was parked on the street behind the garage, only to find that it had been borken into. The thief obviosly didn't know what to think of a collapsed Canham 4x5 camera. Strange looking, he must have thought. Hmmm, now this Domke black satchel would look great, though. Gitzo? What is that? He left that, too.




I am sure he will never appreciate the differences between a 210mm Sironar-S and a Sironar-N, or my modified Pentax Zone VI spot meter. Absolutely not. And my assortment of filters, film holders, Leica 5X loupe and many others.




Anyway, not to make a sob story worse, it will take me a long time to accumulate these tools again. My wife and I were planning a month-ling trip in southern Utah / Arizona / New Mexico in May. I just don't have the energy to feel excited about photographing those places in 35mm. I anticipate that I will again get these items again. Not for a while, though.




I called the insurance company after filing a report with the police. All seemed to be going well, until the agent depressingly told me that they would only reimburse me up to $250, since the crime happened at another location other than our home. Ba humbug.




Thank you all for all of the wonderful information you have given me over the last 12 months since I purchased my first LF camera. I have learned a great deal. Hopefully I can return the favors when I get back into LF again.




Keep shooting.




-Andy Biggs

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I was deeply disturbed to read your post. At the same time I am

pleased that you and your wife are OK and did not have the thief

break into the house. That could have been much worse. I can only

hope that you hit the lottery or come into some money to get back to

where you were with your equipment.




A thief can take your physical possessions and leave you feeling

terribly violated, but he cannot take your knowledge and enthuisiasm

for the art.




I believe that there is a lesson to be learned at many junctures in

this think called life and your situation is no different. Verify

that your insurance covers you wherever you are not just at your

house and never leave your equipment in your car overnight if at all

possible. Here is to a quick recovery.





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Andy: I suggest you write up a description of what was lost and fax

it with serial numbers to the major camera stores in San Francisco.

Does this sound far fetched? Thieves often go right to the major

stores since they don't really know what the stuff is and Fox photo

isn't going to help them out. It is too specialized for most pawn

shops. They sell it with a sob story that explains why they don't

know anything about it. At least in California, the stores are

supposed to run the serial numbers of what they buy used to make sure

the stuff isn't stolen. In reality they usually don't do this. When

I got cleaned out back in 1991, the thief went to a MAJOR LA Camera

store and the stuff was traded in with a story about how it belonged

to his dad blah blah blah. The numbers were not run, in violation of

the law. The next good faith purchaser of my Zone VI 8X10 camera

called Zone VI to try to get the warranty transferred to him, Zone VI

called me since I'd told them (and had ordered a replacement), and I

called the MAJOR LA Camera store. On the phone they said they'd

taken in a "bunch of stuff" from this guy [gee - what might that

other stuff be?], but when the cops got there to reclaim all that

stuff the story was they'd only taken in the one camera. Sadly, some

stores don't seem to care too much about following the law on used

equipment with serial numbers, and after they buy it and are going to

be the ones out of pocket when the real owner comes, they won't help

you out. (I almost had mixed feelings when that MAJOR store went up

in flames during the so-called King riots.) But if you get the list

to them now before its money out of their pocket, you never know.

Make it a one page fax which gives instant notice that it is a list

of stolen property, reference the Report # with SFPD or whoever you

reported it to. Describe whatever bag it may be brought in when it

comes time to fence it. Also, read your own insurance policy, don't

take the agent's word on it. Check your auto policy for possible

coverage of items stolen from the car. I know what a rotten feeling

this is (even when insured) and I'm sorry you had this experience.

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Also, I wanted to add something for the general enlightenment of

anybody else who shivers when they read what happened here: Read

your homeowners' policy and see if there is a cap on certain types of

losses. Many policies, for example, will have a $200 cap on stolen

coinage or cash. A limit on silverware. A limit for firearms. You

get the idea -- insurance companies aren't dumb and they tend to put

caps in there on the stuff most likely to be stolen. They think this

stuff over drinks at the Actuary Bar. Is there a cap on camera

equipment? Better find out now. Second point: Do you have

replacement cost coverage? It doesn't cost that much more to get it

and you don't get in a big fight with the adjuster over what is the

depreciated value of a 6 year old meter, a 30 year old Symmar, etc.

You get the price of a new one. Don't own a house? Get a renters'

policy, they are available and if you assume your landlord or

his/her/it's insurer is going to take care of you, you're wrong.

And, if you're a pro, don't assume that your homeowners' will cover

you for equipment you use in business. I guarantee you there's an

exclusion for that, you need a business policy. Anyway, I've said

enough, but just reading about this made me angry about what happened

a decade ago.

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Although it won't solve your problem, use the $250 from your insurance

company to rent a lens for your trip. Photomark in Phoenix, AZ rents

a 210mm Sironar-N for $54/week and perhaps they will cut you a better

deal still for a monthly rental. You can find them at





I also second Kevin's advice, as I once recovered a pair of expensive

audio amplifiers that were stolen by contacting all of the dealers in

the area and asking them to keep their eyes open.

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A very sad story, my sympathies go out to you. That really sucks. I've

dreaded that very scenario happening to me, but formtunately it hasnt.

Several years ago I asked my agent if my gear would be covered if

stolen from my car, and he said it would. This means I should revisit

the subject with him, and you might want to read your policy to be

absolutely sure it wasnt covered, because I had no special coverage.




But dont let the lowlife stop you from LF photography. Living well is

your best revenge (other than strangling them;-). Use it as an

opportunity to learn what you dont need (and where not leave it). $250

gets you either a clunky old wood field ( or maybe not so clunky, if

you are lucky like I was), or a barrel lens or two. Another $100 bucks

gets you a packard shutter. hey, you're almost back shooting again.

Watch ebay for the homely deals that nobody else wants, and make them

your interim outfit. You can be shooting again for $600-700 bucks if

you really want, and $250 of that is paid for. or you can let the

bastards ruin your plans. Uh-uh, dont let them do that.

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I can commiserate. It took me a long time to accumulate my equipment,

and I would hate to lose it. As a result, I get paranoid everytime

that I leave home with my gear, or for that matter, leave home without

my gear!




You said that you checked with your insurance. Was that with your

auto insurance or your homeowners (or renter's) insurance? Just a





It's fortunate that you didn't lose everything. They were probably

nervous about what they were doing and in a hurry. A lense, a light

meter, and a few film holders, and you'll be in "gear" again.

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Sorry to hear about your loss. You may wish to ask your insurance

agent if you can purchase an all loss (not sure if these are the

correct words) rider to cover your photographic gear. I have State

Farm home owners insurance and have such a rider. They have one rate

for people who do not use their gear commercially and another for

those who do. They have replaced cameras and lenses that I have

simply dropped and broken. I've never had any stolen. Keep in mind

that they have the option to repair or replace, and that if your

camera or lens is no longer in production, you may have to convince

them that item x is a more appropriate replacement than item y.




This isn't meant to be a State Farm advertisement, as I suspect that

other agencies have comparable policies. I would expect to pay 2-4%

per year. If you can't afford to replace all or a significant portion

of your gear in the event that it is stolen or lost, this is a small

price to pay.




By the way, do the trip, cameras or not. You never know when

something will make such a trip impossible for you.




Best of luck,

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So sorry to hear that you have suffered at the hands of "petty"

thieves - it isn't petty when you are the victim! I have had my

equipment stolen a number of times, and sympathise with how empty it

makes you feel. Difficult to be enthusiastic about anything creative

when all you can think of is where your belongings are and what a

waste it seems.

After one theft I went into a store here in London and described the

equipment (5x4 wooden field/limited edition lenses) which was all

quite unusual. A half hour after I left the store, a guy came in with

the equipment. His story was the familiar one about it being his Dad's

old camera. The secondhand-dealer was clever enough to keep him

waiting, saying he was really interested and would like to get the

manager to have a look. He called the police while the man was waiting

and he was arrested.

Although I got some of my equipment back, it made my insurance claim

for the rest of my gear much more complicated and slow, until I began

to wish they hadn't caught him after all. It would have been easier to

have just put it behind me and started again with new equipment.

The best way to get over such a violation is to get back on the horse

and make some new work!

You have the sympathy and support of everyone here on the forum.

All g

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Hi Andy




Very bad for you and I know how you feel now because some years ago the

same happend to me but only with my 35mm gear.

I was living at thad time in Zürich and a drog guy had broken my door

in my flat and stolen my hole 35mm gear.

But I had a bit of luck because the police found my gear in the flat of

thad drogy sick guy and I get not all but booth cameras back 1 lens and

flash was gone! 2 Years leater the guy was dead because of AIDs and hes

drugs! Sorry for him!

I`m not anymore in Zürich because it was very dangerous at thad time,

but now it is better but I live near Luzern it is much saver and


What I learned of it: You need a good insurance for ANY situation and

anyway I never let my gear in my car over night NEVER!




This are lessons learnded the hard way, sorry for you!




Keep shooting!

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DITTO, ABSOLUTELY, Get a description, serial numbers, ANYTHING and

fax it around, walk in to any and all camera stores. Most reputable

stores are very co operative in this area and have lists of serial

numbers and check equipment they take in against them. I have heard

stories of stolen equipment returned.

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Sorry about your gear, Andy. I guess it happens to a lot of us. Did

to me. Look one the bright side...maybe he will sell your camera for

a good sum, buy drugs with it, OD and take himself out of the gene

pool. Cars seem to be an invitation to burglary. It got so bad at one

point at a hospital parking lot near where I live that the nurses

began putting notices on their cars that they were unlocked and to

please not break the windows. They finally caught the scum who were






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Andy, I sympathize with your plight, and share the hope that

something poetic will happen to the thief. Everyone who's had

similar experience knows exactly how it feels.<p>You might take care,

though, not to give up too quickly on the insurance angle. You

mention calling "the" insurance company, but there are perhaps three

policies to check for coverage -- your homeowner's, your auto policy,

and the homeowner's or renter's coverage of the friend whose house

you were watching. Frankly, the "location other than our home"

clause has a somewhat dubious ring to it. Check the policy, and be

sure they're not playing fast and loose with the language.

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Thank you, everyone, for all of the thoughts and ideas on what to do

regarding getting this equipment back. And going forward with

insurance companies.




Yes, I knew better than to leave it in the car overnight. What is

done is done. I am just disappointed, because I have spent so many

hours upon hours reading and learning as much as I can regarding LF

photography, darkroom techniques, etc etc etc. I just feel that I

have been slowly building up a system that would last for years to

come. It certainly takes the wind out of one's sail.




I took inventory on what was stolen, and I can definitely recover.

At least I left my 35mm gear at home! Here was my post to

rec.photo.equipment.large-format earlier this morning:




"To all who live in San Francisco area:




On Saturday evening, my vehicle was broken into in the Russian Hill


Most of my large format equipment was stolen, and I am in the

process of

trying to do my due diligence to get something back. It is a long

shot, but

what the heck.




here are the items that were stolen:




Rodenstock APO-Sironar-S 210mm f5.6. Serial # 11558913

Schneider Symmar 150mm. No serial number recorded

Pentax Zone VI modified digital spot meter

Leica 5x loupe

Fuji readyload holder with box of Velvia/Provia

misc filters to fit Cokin P holder

Domke black satchel




If anybody happens to see this equipment at a pawn shop or camera


please let me know. I am heartbroken, and this will take a long time


build back up.




Kind regards,




Andy Biggs






Thanks again, everybody.





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Here is a pleasant update to my depressing posts last night.




After speaking with the insurance company yesterday, they indicated

a maximum of $250 would be reimbursed. They indicated that it was

because my vehicle was not at our own home location at the time of

the theft. After an agent called back this morning for some more

information regarding the listed items that were stolen, I heard

something that puzzled me. I inquired further.




It appears that the person I spoke with yesterday assumed, through a

series of wishy washy questions, that these items were used in a

business of photography. Not the case. Would I like to make $$$ with

these items? You bet. Not the right time, though.




Anyway, because I asked more questions, they re-opened the case, and

have sent out the paperwork to get the whole reimburesement process





Word to the wise: always ask questions. These people cannot read

your mind, even though they have no clue on how to ask direct


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Andy - This is indeed a depressing story. As someone who has had

some prized posessions stolen in the past, I sympathize with your

anger and loss. Whatever happens, let's not let the bastards win -

you should definitely take that Southwest trip with your wife and

your 4x5 in May. (We did the same territory last summer and it was

absolutely wonderful.)




If necesary, I have a mint Schneider 210 Apo-Symmar (w/filters) and

15 or so clean film holders which I will lend you for the trip. I

don't have a replacement for your 150mm lens, but I do have a very

nice 90mm Super Angulon which I can also send you. (Can't see doing

the S.W. w/o a wide angle!) All I ask is that you treat them as you

would your own gear (and I'm sure you would). Look at it this way -

it's a chance for us to stir up that tired old "Schneider vs.

Rodenstock" debate once again. :-)




Best wishes, and let me know. I'm in CA, and from your post, you are






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