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Black and White Photos

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I use channel mixer, as an adjustment layer, for photos I've worked on and cleaned up in color. As an adjustment layer, I often find myself going back to the channel mixer settings and re-tweaking or even applying my settings by dragging the layer to another image. I also commonly start with a b&w version right in the raw converter. There's just so much flexibility and is non-destructive, of course. The only downfall is that once you start tweaking this b&w raw copy, you've painted yourself into a corner in regards of no options going back to a color copy or further adjustment of your b&w settings.
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I use JP Caponigro's action. It's non destructive and very flexible. He creates a flattened copy and then sets up

layers from R,G, B and Luminance channels. You can then tweak layers opacity and the masks. I find it much more

flexible than any other tool in CS3.

It's free on Adobe's white pages site: http://www.adobe.com/digitalimag/ps_pro_primers.html


He has a tutorial there too. It says it's compatible w/CS2 but it works perfectly on my CS3

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