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Olympus 12-60mm SWD vs 14-35mm SWD


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I have searched the net and cannot find any direct comparisons between these two lenses.


I generally never shoot wide open so I am concerned about OPTIMAL sharpness for each. Distortion is of less

concern to me.


The price differential between these two is enormous though, as with all top of the line pro gear, the 14-35mm

ought to hold its value well. Just wondering whether the "Pro" lens is worth the extra cash in regards to image


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Given the ability to buy either, there's no way I'd not get the 14-35 f2. Of course, if I could get that lens, I'd also own the 7-14 f4 (I did once) and 35-100 f2, too!


Yes, the pro lenses, if you really need them, are worth every penny of the price.

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Today I had a chance to play with the 14-35mm f2 at the local camera store....quite nice. Just a couple of images, but enough to know I want one..




While you say you don't shoot wide open, one thing you will do if you have this lens is view wide open....viewing through an f2 lens to compose and view the subject is quite nice...it takes in a lot of light, whether you shoot at f2 or not....but I think once you tried actually shooting at f2 a time or two, you'd be hooked.

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