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Am I saying this correctly?


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I purchased Vivitar 285HV today but it is missing the diffuser (piece of glass I think) I have been searching

the Internet trying to find one to no avail so far!


I see references to "wide angle diffuser" but I don't know if is the correct term for the diffuser or not,

does anyone know?


Also, are these diffusers different for each flash model or would one from a Vivitar 283 flash work?


All help would be very much appreciated.

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No, the 283 wide angle diffuser does not fit the 285. It is a piece of plastic. If you purchased the flash new, you should demand that it be sent to you. I lost mine once, and got another directly from Vivitar, but that was before they stopped making the 285s and started again.
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Dan Ferrel- If the heat will melt the Plexiglas why doesn't it melt the the original plastic diffuser, Frank Skomial implied it was plastic?


Nadine Ohara- This is one of the older Vivitar 285 HV flashes, not the new one they put out a few years ago. As for Vivitar, I've sent them two emails and they never answered either one! I'm afraid that company is no longer interested in flash customers.

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Sorry but I posted incorrect info on the Vivitar bankruptcy. The parent company is in backruptcy but that doesn't include Vivitar. Vivitar is however for sale at this point. Here's a better link to a Barron's article on the bankruptcy.



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